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Gas gas and more gas


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  • Baller_
So this hasn't happened in a REALLY long time but I grabbed a can of gas that was filled by a friend. Went to do my normal pour (bubble back SN) and realized to late that he filled the can to the max. Gas shot out everywhere and a fare amount. My first reaction was stop pouring close the gas cap and hit it with lots of soap (binding lube soap available) and water. It did hit the gel, rub rail, platform and interior vinyls and carpet. So all was doused with water and soap. Do I need to go back with any products, especially the vinyl, to get rid of any fuel residue or anything like that. What do you do when that happens?
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  • Baller
Never spilled gas on vinyl before so I can't help there but I would put some kind of vinyl protection on there if you can to protect it from the sun. As for the gel coat or paint, I typically like to pour water on it until it looks like it's not beading up as much. Then I'll use some soap to get the rest off. Finally, some wax because the gas will eat any protective finish that did exist and the sun will beat down on that area without any wax on it.
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  • Baller
@ wish - yeah, clean the vinyl with some 3M Vinyl cleaner/conditioner and put some carpet cleaner on the carpet. There's not a lot of gas in fuel now and some of those chemicals stay on top, so you can wash the majority of the residue off. That's what I do and it seems to help.
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  • Baller_
Ya, I purchased a jiggler for my dad and his pontoon. At 80, lifting and pour a can is not a good option. I Think he likes that more then any gift he's gotten in decades. Great product and very inexpensive. Guess I posted for some ideas for after the fact only because it was so much and i can't remember that ever happening. I'll get after it with some wax and vinyl cleaner/protectant. Was mostly worried about the stitching and the ability for the thread to hold up after that dousing.
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  • Baller_

The Bass Pro version works great, much success using on a slant back SN along with others. Also, very cheap at $6.99 and no shipping charges if you have one locally. No mods needed, has a hose of appropriate stiffness & diameter. One nice aspect of doing it this way is you can go do other tasks while the fuel transfers from the can to the tank & your arms don't get tired.


303 brand products are very good and they make vinyl protectant, you might want to try some. I would certainly wash everything with soap and water and then go back and treat/wax for a protective barrier.

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  • Baller

@Wish A little temporary splash of gas won't do any damage. Clean with mild soap, rinse with water, then optionally, revitalise & protect with 303.


Do NOT use Armorall on the vinyl. I used Armorall on my first Nautique and the vinyl became brittle and cracked along the seams. Correct Craft blamed the Armorall and recommended 303.


Even though 303 gets the manufacturer's nod, I don't like to use it on the seats because they get too slippery.

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