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Ballers in Ft. Wayne?


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My friend had his 50th birthday party over the weekend so I drove up from Cincinnati where I was on business and about 15 minutes from his house basically at exit 21 on I69 is a beautiful private site (after some research I think it is Lake Mirage). If I had only known. Belong to Ballers? Then on my way back to the airport on Sunday, I passed by the Great Lakes Conference Championships at Pleasant shores. I just might have to move; seems like a lot more access to great sites than around Boston. It will definitely give me more reason to visit.
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I'm in Muncie about an hour south of Ft. Wayne. I've not skied on Mirage but it does look nice. It seems like there are several clubs 60-90 minutes from my location but I can be from work to my current club in 20 minutes. Our club's lake is going through a change of ownership so I might have to drive further next year. I live within walking distance of my work so I'm trying to convince myself that even if I have to drive an hour or two in order to ski, well that's a normal commute for some people.
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The owner is a great guy, but not active on Ball of Spray. He was the former INT Indiana coordinator and has a real passion for growing the sport.


If you want a nice place to ski, I am recruiting neighbors..... especially with slalom boats, my boat is an X-2 so the kids can surf.

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