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New ski for the wife?


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  • Baller
I am thinking about a new ski for the Mrs. this Christmas to replace her old KD Evolution. She skis fairly well on it and is skiing the course at 24.9 longline, but is still getting the hang of rounding the buoys. She wants to get better and is finally driven to ski the course. I can't do the try-before-you-buy deal with her, she will guffaw at the idea of a new ski. So if I get her one and it does not work out, I will just sell it. Any thoughts on the Radar Lyric and how well that ski works through 15 off or should I look for a bit higher-end ski? Any other recommendations, besides buy her some jewelry too?
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  • Baller

I have one for sale on ski-it-again



Double Radar Lyric Bindings (Small - my wife is a size 8 women)

Pink Radar Handle to Match




$350 takes it all!


It has been a great ski, she is moving up to a Goode Nano One XT. The Lyric was a great ski to help her get to running full passes. Now time for her to move up to a high performance ski.

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  • Baller

Wow, guys. Really? And we wonder why there aren't more women in this sport?


I totally get the humor, but is this really the place to share "out-behind-the-garage" jokes about the women in our lives? What better feedback or point of view could @BlueSki hope to receive than that from a female baller? What female baller would be encouraged to jump in and contribute to this discussion given the answers thus far?


@BlueSki is a guy who's lucky enough to be married to someone who is out there running the course. I am too, and hardly a day goes by when I don't recognize and appreciate this.


While I understand the fun of finding serious slalom gear in pink, can you guys not understand even appearing that we put this ahead of finding the right gear for her could be seen as not taking her needs seriously?


@GregDavis, @JayG80, @AB - I am not picking on you in particular, and I am certain you meant no harm. I am very new to this site and the last thing I went to do is earn the enmity of long-time contributors. But I see these same kinds of comments over and over in other discussions, and then all we guys wonder aloud where all the women are.


We live in an age when Regina is taking ALL OF US to school, pass after pass. Who among us really wants to ask her why she's not skiing on a pink ski?


@BlueSki - a gently-used D3 X5 worked wonders for my wife, who in one season is about to run -15 at 26.7. We put Wiley high wraps on it, which she finds to be very comfortable, yet secure. You have to look for an X5, but they're out there!

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  • Baller_
Ragina just had her dog's photo put into the layup of the ski. I'm sure she would ride anything that pushes her to do even better. Dog, pink stripe, checkerboard. I looked for pink equipment for my daughter. The cool thing is there IS really great gear with a feminine touch. Bold or just a light touch. BTW, D3 Z7st pink is a killer ski. Daughter is doing great on it and a friend of mine (w2) not only commented on how cool it looked to my daughter, she barrowed it for a couple sets (her ski is a 9100) and absolutely smoked her passes. Great ski. Also, any women that I've seen post on here gets inundated with likes and awesomes every time. We truly love them and are genuanly excited to have them post. And we are mostly guys who say guy things once in a while.
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  • Baller

@bassfooter, @BlueSki already let on that his wife's pick would be pink, (see third post), so are you saying that it isn't?


I think the pink Lyric is a pretty snazzy ski, throw in some gloves, a color-coordinated vest and board shorts.... bet he will be a happy man!

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  • Baller
My wife is riding my old D3 Custom X and enjoying it. It's a 67" but at the slower speeds I figured the more ski, the better and I truly believe in a better ski being a better ski regardless of skill level. She made her first full pass last week.
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  • Baller

@JayG80, I will have to pass, I think I will keep her and I need a driver at times... although, I wonder if the post could be construed as an offer. If so, and if @Horton draws my name on the Goode, she might prefer sunny CA. Watch out, she's very cool but does not take any crap... she can hold her own, the poor woman has to with me.


@bassfooter, yes I would love to hear from some of the female ballers that have ski suggestions... and yes, I am very lucky.


@AB, thanks for the feedback on the Lyric, it looks like a good option, and given that her current ski is red, black, and gray, I think she would enjoy a bit of pink. Unfortunately @GOODESkier's wife's lyric has the wrong size bindings. I think @Wish's recommendation of a D3 Z7 is worth pursuing too. I am tempted to find something at that level of ski so she can continue to improve with it and not ski past its ability like @GOODESkier's wife did.


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  • Baller
I seem to recall Karina Nowlan skiing on a pink Goode for a number of years. I saw Regina's ski with her dog on it at Nationals and it was pretty cool looking. I don't know if she is going to ski on it or if it was just for show but it was a cool ski.
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  • Baller

@BlueSki it can work the other way too. Buy a ski that is too aggressive and you hope she will develop into, and you can have a worse issue. I did that one ski ago for her, took me 1 entire season to get her confidence and attitude up again. She is now ready for the next step.


My wife and I agree that garages are not for cars, furniture, or boxes. They are for boats, snowmobiles, and motorcycles......... We call those other wives "Fun Nazis". We know a few of those and always feel bad as we are enjoying each other, our kids, and the lifestyle of water-skiing.

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  • Baller


According to my limited experience (might be an advantage in this case) I do recommend to get her a ski that suits her present level and make several upgrades as she progress.


The reason is that I would expect one to progress faster on a ski suitable for this level.

The Lyric is a Senate and Senate rides best in 30 to 34.


I personally have a Theory and a Senate but ski much better on the Theory (30 starting to train on my 32's).

You will also have the advantage (?) to tell your wife that now when you ski so well it is time for an other upgrade.


I would assume staying in for example the Radar family each step will be smoother.

Radar P6 is a great ski and Theory is next step.

(I have read about folks that make 36@15 off and 30/32 @32 off on the Theory)


Also, Radar Vector is a very comfortable binding.


Best luck and keep us posted on the progress



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  • Baller
Looks like I am going with the Lyric. I found a great deal on a new 2012 close out that was too good to pass up. If it does not work out, expect to see the ski for sale next spring. It sounds like that will be unlikely, however. Thanks to everyone for the input on the different skis. Hopefully, she out skis this one's capabilities and I have to get her a high-end ski in coming years.
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