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Sad time, great loss!


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  • Baller

I thought i would share this. The South Central Region lost a young skier last week!

He was a long time boys and recent mens 1compettitor and Cottonwood Ski Club member! Shreveport resident Blake Fritz and his girlfriend were killed in a tragic car accident! Please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers. I didnt know the young lady but all of usat Cottonwood and Olde Oaks knew Blake since he was a youngster and we all loved him like a son! i never saw him without a smile and he was always willing to help any body with any thing! He will be dearly missed! RIP Blake! Joe Darwin has a link to the full obituary on the Cottonwood Water Ski facebook page! Thank You

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  • Baller
That is terrible news! What a crazy world this is at times. Love and light to his family and friends! Life is fragile, and we should always know that things can change instantly. I want to express my gratitude for all of you guys! Having this website and the comradery it offers makes my days much better and I appreciate the many friendships I have created through BoS.
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  • Baller

sincere condolences to the family and friends of these young victims. nothing is worse than the loss of a life yet to be fully lived. all is not right with the universe when this happens.children are supposed to bury there parents -not the other way around.


aside from offering consolation for the parents' loss the next best thing other parents can do is realize the leading cause of death among young drivers is auto accidents in which an under 25 y. o. driver is involved. then train their young drivers to know and respect the dangers they face behind the wheel.

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