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Reflex liners


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  • Baller
Tried a Reflex boot (white cuff) yesterday for the first time, felt great. Just ran some 32s and noticed I got much better onside turns and better angle crossing the wake. However I got a pressure point on my outside ankle bone ( bony feet) using Reflex thin liner. Anyone using Reflex thick liner? Is there a big difference in performance? Reflex claims the thin liner gives better control? How about the padding around the ankles? The boot itself had a perfect fit other than the pressure point.
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I had a similar issue with the thin liner. I had a strada liner around and tried that and no more pain, but those are a little thick for my shell size. I got a goode/fm aqua liner and that is working great.
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  • Baller

@bbruzzese‌ Yes I heat molded, once without an insole, might have buckled it down too hard.

Re molded it with a Radar insole,buckled more loose and it was better but still not pain free.

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  • Baller

Dan E Yes it can be done any where on the boot put the boot on and mark the spot. the only thing is the plastic on a reflex heats up faster than a snow ski boot so very little heat is need to move the plastic shell on a reflex. it only takes a few MM of movement to make a difference


Dan do you have any snow ski pro shops close to you?



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  • Baller
Intuition liner. Works great and much more comfortable. I have had ankle problems using the thinner liner and switched to the Intuition from my old Goode bindings and it was much better.
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  • Baller
I started with the thick liner and decided to give the tour pro intuition liner from fluid motion a try after half a season. It was like using a completely different binding and took some getting used to. I originally heat molded the liner like FM tells you to and I was cutting the circulation off to my foot and it was pressing on my big toe pretty hard. I heat molded it again with 4 pairs of socks on and a folded up paper towel over my big toe to gain extra clearance. It was better but I still felt like I had no ankle movement. Ultimately after about 20-30 sets, I bailed on the intuition liner and went back to the thick liner...it's heavier for sure but way more comfortable and allows my ankle to bend. However, I could ski the same on both.
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