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Armaid PT for elbows, hand and biceps


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  • Baller
***Go easy at first,..it recommended this in the much neglected instructions and of course I went way too hard. Raked it over my elbow and now I am dealing with some nerve issues. Great device but it will cause damage if you do too much too early as I did. Watch the included DVD too!
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Thanks. I have been self massaging similar (I think) to what my PT was doing back home. Cross friction massage I would say. I found a extremely tender spot (trigger point) that I concemtrated on a few days in a row now. It is located in my tricep area and after pressing on it for 30 seconds to a minute I get numbness and tingling down entire arm. Nerves? I thought I was into something here as the numbness lasted overnight but arm felt a bit better the next day. I am just curious if I should keep at this area or let it rest. I am convinced it is part of my problem. I am sure it is from the ten hours a day at keyboard with poor posture but I am also a skier and a guitar player. I have dealt with carpel tunnel type symptoms in the past I think but this has been the most annoying and aching I have ever had. I can't grip anything with left hand and get pain when moving arm the wrong way to even put on a coat... I have tried your ice water to hit water truck as well. Can I do that often? Any ideas on this particular trigger point in tricep and if I should stay away from it with the numbness results I am consistently getting?


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  • Baller
@Finnyski yes any numbness results from an irritated and or inflamed nerve,.sounds like the ulnar nerve. Look into nerve glides and slides for the ulnar nerve -non symptomatic though. Also at night while sleeping keep that elbow from flexion or bent as this will keep the ulnar nerve 'lit' up.
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