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PP StarGazerRunning Hot Help????


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  • Baller

I have PP StarGazer in my 04 Nautique 196LE and all the mechanisms under the motor box seem to be working properly and there is no hangups on the wire or system itself - however when I pick up a skier and go around our islands the system seems to engage (beep) and then when it straightens out to enter the course it just flies into it and won't slow down until the second or third set of balls on the boat path. So a 32 mph set up might hit the course at 35 or 36 mph until 1/3 of the way down course before it slows down.

Now if I'm driving I know it will do this so I pick the skier up and go around the islands at a slower speed than the system is set up for and when the boat it lined up straight into the course I slowly bring up the speed until it engages (beeps) and the boat runs fine.


Anybody else have this issue with their StarGazer? Is it software related? It just seems like the boat gets lost going around our islands and it takes forever for it to figure out where it is? It happens at all settings. 27, 30, 32, 34, & 36 mph.


Very frustrated!!!! Thanks in advance for any insight to my issues.

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  • Baller

Back in my Stargazer days, I had the same experience as you. We have straight in set-ups and it was easier to manage, but burying the throttle in the get-up allowing the system to engage too early would give the same results.


My guess is that is part of the software system. If the boat isn't on plane or is in a turn, there is more drag on the boat at the time the system engages. I believe the system thinks there is a 1000 lb skier back there and is doing what it thinks it needs to to get good times. By 3 ball, it realizes it has overshot. Best solution is to baby the throttle until completely around the island or upgrade to ZO. Good luck.

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  • Baller
A Perfect Pass engineer told me this was a problem with early Stargazer but was improved a lot in version 8.05 (this year's version is 8.06). If you have a pre-8.05 version you might want to consider a software upgrade. I have no idea how much they charge for that but I would imagine that the execution of it is pretty simple.
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  • Baller
@skihard if you ski lots of ski lakes and tournaments, call PP and order the ZBox. they will send you a flash drive to update the software, no more issues...... If you don't want ZBox (I highly Suggest It!) Still call Gary, he might send you the new software for a screaming good deal....... If you need help PM me.
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  • Baller
How new is this system? How long have you had it? I ask because I found a lot of pre work with mine before I got it dialed. I.E. "Inverting the tachometer" or manually setting baselines and adjusting baselines. I found capture mode to not help as much as timing ALL slalom speeds in course. There were small background setting adjustments too, but the prior issues were the big nuts.
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  • Baller

On my system I bought it with the boat. 2 owners previous installed the PP, but previous owner never used it. First course skiing with the boat found Perfect Pass surging and then not correcting soon enough similar to @skihard . I've since gone through and done some RPM captures and made adjustments for a skiier but haven't had it back through the course yet to test out. May require some more "tweaking". We do have a short set up coming through from one end....


@alex38 what do you mean by "inverting the tach"?

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  • Baller_

Inverting the tach is a setting that configures how PP reads RPMs from the tachometer. It is a common change that is sometimes necessary to correct issues with system engagement and timings. It is usually necessary if the boat is a Malibu.


The PerfectPass manual or info on their website should discuss it. The PP support staff will also be able to assist you.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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Knowing what version of the software will be a big help. On the earliest version of the SG software, if you didn't disengage the system in a turn, it would accelerate hard and take a while to recover. The current second generation of SG software fixed this. The current generation (ever since about v.8). locks in pretty quickly. Upgrades are easy. But if you are running an early version of SG, you may need to upgrade the master module if you want to get a Zbox.
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  • Baller

It's known problem with old versions of stargazer. You have said it hasn't been upgraded in years so you do have an old version.


Zbox now comes with the new version and will fix it. Worth getting for sure



If you need to do it on the cheap then just do the software upgrade. Minimal cost and will also fix it.

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  • Baller
I was a big fan of Stargazer / Zbox but circumstances have caused me to rethink and draw the conclusion that the world has moved on, ZO is a much better mousetrap. Its probably a stage of life thing but I just want stuff to work for anyone who drives my boat. To be clear I ski mostly behind ZO but there are days when we ski with the LXi and its almost like we need to summon a priest to get 6 even pulls in a row. Other days she's all good, I'm just over it.
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  • Baller
@Skihard - Will Bush provided some good info to me when I was having similar problems. We did two things (1) inverting tachometer wires and (2) secondary throttle return spring [if its mechanical throttle]. PP/SG w/Zbox or w/o Zbox -- the acceleration is provided by the servo but the de-acceleration is provided by the throttle return spring. The original on mine was probably getting a little worn out. Adding a second spring (preferrably 5" or longer and tightly coupled spring) anchored to anything solid that has a direct line to the throttle linkage should do the trick. It's worked pretty well for me.
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@ozski It may be a better mousetrap for newer boats, but for those of us who are happiest with well running older boats, it is not an option. Apart from the issue mentioned here, which was solved with the first update to the software in 2009 or so, my PPSG system has been extremely reliable and accurate in the course with very little of my having to dither in the settings. I don't ski or drive tournaments. But that's a very small segment of the world, which, I will concede, has moved on.


Thankfully, Perfect Pass continues to provide exceptional customer service internationally. I'm not sure how much Zero Off/Econtrols has improved in that respect.

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  • Baller

I just ordered the ZBox and updated software for my boat. Should have it by Monday and will start the conversion and see if it helps?


Perfect Pass does have exceptional customer support I will say that! Kudos to the Canadians! :)

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I upgraded to stargazer with Zbox last year and it is great. I much like EastTxSkier have and old tug and as far as anyone being able to use it I will say it is super simple. If my wife is driving I just put it in GPS mode and go no fuss no muss.
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