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Demo'ing a Senate... Need input

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  • Baller

New to the site. Lurked for years. After 4 decades of skiing, this 60 year-old has decided to get a little more serious about improving form and technique. New lake (no course) with some great skiers who are great coaches.


After 20 years on an old Connelly, I tried my friends 2005-ish Sixam. Wow, couldn't believe it! I immediately skiied way better. Loved the acceleration across the wake, but it actually threw my timing off. I tend to be a tail rider but with this ski I automatically put more weight on the front foot.


After some research, I demoed a Senate alloy and a Theory for the weekend. Double vector bindings. I tried the Senate first and I really liked it. My turns were smooth but somehow it felt like something was missing compared to the Sixam... Power? Acceleration? I also find that my weight is back to being on my back door with the Senate.


Since I was left feeling like I wanted more our of the Senate, I didn't even try the Theory.


I skied the Senate and the Sixam back to back this morning. Smoother on the Senate, but weight is more on the tail. Felt faster across the wake on the Sixam but still tend to rush the firm resulting in slack rope and a bit jerky.


So... What to do???


Buy the Senate and just improve my technique? Learn to shift my weight forward (would a binding adjustment help? ... It is factory set up).


Buy the Sixam and learn to ski it?


Look for a used Strada? (Don't want to spend for a new Vapor)







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  • Baller

My opinion after buying my Senate a few years back and then watching many of my buddies try it as well is as follows: Don't judge it until you have ridden it 4-6 times. My first time hopping on it after being on my old KD6500 was to think "why won't this ski turn?" "Did I forget how to turn a ski?" Multiple buddies with similar first impressions. However, after a handfull of rides, we have also all fallen completely in love with it as well. My one buddy liked mine so much, he went and bought his own that was sized right for him.


I can't speak to the sixam at all though, so maybe that is a great ski too?

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I've skied both... I skied on a Sixam for around 5 years and loved it. But in my opinion I think you should go for the Senate. It can still go very well through the slalom course, but should be easier on your body than the Sixam as I found it to carry more speed through the turn due to the extra surface area. At your age, you don't want to be working harder than you have to to generate speed!
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  • Baller
I recently demoed a Lithium Senate and what I found is that the ski is very forgiving. I could make a lot of mistakes and still run the pass. Did not seem to require a lot of effort to accelerate either.If your a 30-32 MPH skier this would be a good choice.
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