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Go back to long line for now?


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I have been and am still on the verge of purchasing a dedicated ski tug. I've rethought everything and since my son is going to college here in about 2 weeks I'm going for a dedicated ski tug just a little older than what I had thought before. Once he is out of school, I can move on up as desired.


Until then, thoughts on going back to long line on my Tahoe Q6? The last 2 times out I've found much more success with really getting a good lean on my pullout, away from the boat, handle low, really good acceleration and it doesn't feel "scary/uncontrolled" just a really nice, comfortable speed but much faster than when I was just "leaning back". I go to recreate this when crossing the wake and I either pop off the wake pretty good or I stand up a bit before the wake in anticipation of the big wake hit. Would it be OK for now to go to whatever line length has the smallest wake and continue to concentrate on stack/technique? I think this would be reasonable but you all know best. Thanks

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I'm in the same situation you are.. I've been skiing behind a cobalt 200. I can only go about 5 feet off 75 foot rope. The wake is just to big... Anyway, I'm probably gonna buy a mid nineties ski tug just for skiing. Heading to DFW ski school in a couple of weeks to work on learning the course. Good luck.
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