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Anyone skiing with a pacemaker?


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  • Baller
So, my season ended yesterday- I had been having fatigue issues since late July, but a physical showed nothing. Still, I was getting gassed at the end of each pass (and with any other (exercise). Doc recommended a stress test and we were going to set that up, but I was on the road and working out on equipment with heart monitors and where my pulse would normally have been 120-140, I was at around 62. Got an ECG and after a battery of tests to make sure there wasn't a cause treatable without a pacemaker, yesterday I got one (thanks Gerry Lindner, Darren Janzig, and the crew). No strenuous exercise for 8 weeks, so I guess I'm done for the year. Cardiologist, who knows skiing, said no problems getting after it next year, but are any of you guys skiing with one and have any advice?
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Ive got one. 10 years ago, passed out going thru the gates. Ended up going to the er and when my heart rate got to 26 they all ran in the room as if I was about to die. A young doctor came in and told me I would need a pace maker. I laughed and said when can I ski again. He wasn't sure. Six weeks later I was back on the water. Now 11 years later, I had a new one installed last year. Still skiing with no issues.
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  • Baller
I've had a pacemaker since Feb 2013 and have no problems. I got mine because my heart rate got too low at rest (30's). I was released to do anything I want including skiing after 3 weeks. The doctor would have released me in two weeks but he didn't want any chance of the pacemaker getting wet. After those 3 weeks, I've been skiing just like before.
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  • Baller
@Nando coming up on my third anniversary of getting a pacemaker for the same reasons, low heart rate during exercise and extremely low resting. As a result I was not recovering fully after skiing. Feel much better and able to ski much more now. The doctors were very interested in my water skiing abilities at my age, and shocked when i asked about how deep i could scuba dive and what altitude and how many g's when flying! Normal limits... But reaching my desired aerobic conditioning has still been a challenge!

Mike's Overall Binding

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  • Baller
Thanks, guys- that's reassuring. Mine was a similar story- pulse was so low no one in the ER would believe me when I said I felt fine. My cardiologist says eight weeks without any strenuous activity, but when I asked about skiing, he kind of mentally calculated the date and said, "Well, are you a dry suit guy?" Kind of screws up my fall, but looking forward to next year.
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  • Baller

Life is tenuous at best. Waterskiing what a joke. Why do people have to get injured where you are forced to live a simpler life style to see what you have really been missing in life. I'm no philosopher but after reading a few quotes from Emerson I'm starting to think I have it wrong. Garage full of toys- for what? I deliver to the guy that invented the pacemaker. He hasn't been gone all that long. YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SKI!!

NANDO - live long and prosper.





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  • Baller
Joe, Good to hear you're going to be OK. A pacemaker was a consideration for me but my Doc in Rochester after a battery of tests put me on a drug to speed my heart up. My RBPM was 28, Been OK for five years now. You might not need one. Get a second opinion first and for gods sake go to Rochester!!!!!!. Never mind. I see you already have one. My dad used to ski with his back in the 70's.
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  • Baller

But EFW, I like skiing. It's good exercise, it's fun, and it lets me hang with a bunch of guys I really like. My life is pretty simple, but when I've had to quit skiing for a while, I've missed it and want to continue.


Thomas, it's in- I had a huge battery of tests and my condition was not treatable without one, so it's in there and I'm done for the rest of the year. Someone suggested it was broken when I dropped my youngest off at your alma mater, but I won't blame SJU, though I think I'll be wearing purple the next time I'm up there ;) .

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