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Video Installing portable coarse


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  • Baller
I started using an EZ slalom compact course at the end of last season. It is a very repetitive process with two end gates that are the same and 6 arms for turn balls that are the same. Because it is repetitive you figure out very quickly how to make it more efficient. We are down to 25 minutes in deep water and am sure we could get close to 20 minutes in shallow water (due to no need for extra anchor line).
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  • Baller
Wish we filmed ourselves putting an Insta Slalom in last Saturday. Ski Partner didn't want his course in his TSC1 so he put the pipes and anchors on the platform..... You know what happened next..... Gone in a lake with 3 inch viz.
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  • Baller

We seem to be getting a lot of orders for arm sections this season. A lot of folks losing arm sections overboard, slipping from their hands etc. Trust me, I've done it too.


After about the 3rd time losing a section I set a hard and fast rule with my crews - until it's laying in the floor of the boat, DO NOT REMOVE THE BUOYS! If you lose hold of it and it still has a buoy attached no problem, just go retrieve it. If not... Watched it happen a couple of times - you'd think it would drift down slowly enough that you'd have a chance to dive in and catch it? That stuff goes down like it was shot out of a freaking cannon. Get it in the boat before you take the buoys off.

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  • Baller

My first time setting up my course last season included a mishap. One of my crew was rifling through the set of pipes on the floor trying to find the proper numbered pipe (this was before we figured out a better organization system) and decided to put unneeded arm sections up on the side of the boat (balanced on the side and back of boat). One section got knocked off and I saw how quickly it was sinking from the back platform where I was standing and dove in after it, sunglasses and hat still on. I came up with the section in my hands and my hat and sunglasses even still in place.


Got lucky that time (water was 80' deep) and learned to follow Ed's rule posted above -- arm sections always have a ball attached unless they are beneath the sides of the boat.


Getting back to a topic closer to the OP's question... We found it works best for us to have the arm sections numbered 1 and 2 on one side of the boat and sections 3 and 4 on the other side. While the person on the swim platform (the "installer") is managing the mainline being let out, the assistant is connecting a ball to section four. At the connection point, the assistant hands each arm section to the installer, first number four (with ball attached, then 3, 2 and 1. The installer extends each section while the assistant is getting the next section ready.

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