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Which D3? Another help me choose ski thread.


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  • Baller

Long range planning here. We are attempting to get a comp boat, and I am thinking about upgrading my board. I cannot afford a brand new ARC or full price $1,500.00 ski.


I currently have a 2008 (I think) D3 Nomad RCX. It is a 68", which by the numbers is probably big for me. I am 5'9" and between 177-185 depending on beer and chips intake. Strong freeskier who gets into the course some, and when I do, it has been 15 at 34. I am 53. After posting that thread a long time ago, I stuck with the 68" as for my freeskiing, it worked fine, particularly because I was behind our old outboard, which could not hold 34 and pull me at Redfish Lake where we often ski. Will hopefully be behind a Response LX very soon, so that speed issue will no longer be a problem. I enjoy the feel of salt water skiing where the ski and edge change feels fast, and that there is less water coming up on me. So I like to freeski fast at 36 on fresh to get some of that feeling. But, I am also working on learning to re-vamp my style and technique. Truth is I will probably not be a guy who gets 3 course days in a week ever, but still would like to work on being able to improve in the course.


I had posted a thread previously about replacing the '68 here: I would like to stay in the D3 world as I have been a Denny Kidder design guy since 1980 and tend to get along with his philosophy on skis.


What I took out of that was that a Fusion might work for me. Now of course, it has all changed a couple generations. So, choices might be:


Find a lightly used or old stock Fusion





Lightly used or demo should be fine. Or I see some shops with "blems" available. It would be best if I could get on a couple skis and try them, but not sure that is possible. I could check with Wiley's when I am up there in a couple weeks. Or, I could just wait and ski my old Nomad, which I really came to enjoy thoroughly, and try it out in the course and see if I have trouble turning it. I don't remember that I had that much trouble when I was there in 2012 before a couple years of injury break. Thoughts?


Oh, I might want to bring along my old Horton made carbon fin that came on my Nomad no matter what.


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  • Baller
Also, the only real experience I have with the faster Denny Kidder designs vs. more stable (vastly oversimplified I know but for sake of discussion) such as anticipating quest vs. helix would be my original real ski was a Kidder redline. I went to a Duvall, and liked it, but wanted more get up and go. But clearly the Duvall had me skiiing with more ski in the water and the water breaking up off the ski further forward, and I tended to get better angle and was smoother. Just didn't feel like I could get the ski to accellerate. It was a 66". I like the feel of the Nomad. Both my brother's '67, and have enjoyed my 68" for freeskiing. And I feel like I can keep the Nomad in the water and be smooth.
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The current designs are nothing like the Duvall or RedLine. Same family name but as similar 1953 Corvette and a 2016 Corvette.


Find a Quest. It is the best D3 short of the ARC.

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  • Baller
Ok. I see some new old stock 2014 quests around. Will look in that direction. And, @Horton , ok, I have finally panda'd. I was not sure what it was, but now apparently I know. I never did learn how to shorten up links. Will see if google can help me with that. ;)
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  • Baller
The Nomad RCX was a great ski in its time. Still as good as it was but the new skis are just better. Nomad, Helix2, Quest45 and ARC are all D3 but ski significantly different. I'd put the ARC closer to a Vapor than a Quest45. Lots of good used 14-15 Vapors around if you want a more flowy ski. If you plan to go into the course more going to your correct size will work better. If mostly free skiing then whatever you like. Manufacturers hate it but don't be afraid to be mercenary with skis, go to whatever ski you think will work best for you, support the style of skier you want to be, regardless of brand. Ski It Again is a great place to get great used skis cheap. Buy one, ski it, if you don't like it sell for a few dollars less than you bought and get something else. Great way to try a few cheap.
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  • Baller
@BRY , thank you. Well, the first one I want to try is a Quest 67" with life in it an not all used up. No real good candidates on ski-it-again right now, but one will turn up after some patience I suppose. I bet someone around here has one I could try too if I make some calls.
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  • Baller
I would run your Nomad RCX for now. Been thru 35 at 36 mph and into 39 at 34 on that ski. Bought a new ski in 2011 and struggled...went back to the RCX and was right into 38 again. Eventually worked out the new ski and had a great run but the RCX is a great ski and though you may think it's long for your weight...given your speed and line length I think you are fine. Save yourself a couple grand...I know you just bought a boat.
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  • Baller

@sunvalleylaw I'm with Horton, the Quest will make you feel comfortable and is a fantastic ski. I love my old Nomad, but that thing just makes me feel like I'm on the edge of my envelope at all times, and any moment, I'm going to pay. But, then it doesn't do anything bad to me? I can run the same buoy count on my Quest and don't feel death riding with me. B)

I know someone that will take that Nomad RCX right this second too. So, if you want to sell it, let me know. I'm tired of hearing him talk about the "elusive X".


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  • Baller
RCX is a very good ski. I've had one for 8 years, tried numerous skis and none seem to get me any more buoys. Now that could just be me, but why change if no real improvement. Currently riding an old (2012) Strada just to try something different. I do have an ARC on order. We'll see what happens with it.
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  • Baller
So, after getting into a course a little bit, I am thinking I will want to get a ski sized properly for me. I believe staying on the 68 encourages me to push the ski around at the end of the turn instead of finish. But of course, that could all be hogwash, as I am absolute shite in the course. Nonetheless, I think I will be moving on. But I need to get a ride on a ski or two and decide before I can get rid of this one.
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