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Looking for a more forgiving ski. HO Superlite CX or TX?


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Getting a bit older (67) and ready to pull the trigger on a new ski. I currently ride a D3 Nomad. It has been a wonderful ski but I am ready for a change. I ski at 32mph and get into 28 off every once and a while. I like HO as a company and a friend of mine is an HO dealer. So...67 inch Superlite CX or TX? What do you knowledgeable folks think?
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  • Baller
I'm early 60s but also ski 32 mph. I was running 15 off and a few at 22 when I bought a 67" CX Superlite last spring. I love this ski and was running 28 off with a few at 32 by late fall. Very forgiving and easy to ride ski that I would highly recommend to anyone!
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I have both a regular TX and a SL CX. I am 51 and I have been skiing for many years but are just staring to run the course. I prefer the CX over the TX because it feels more responsive, goes thru the wakes much better and has less of a tendency to lift the tip (bad technique on my part). ]I do not feel much difference as far as how easy it is to deep water start or the drag they produce.
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