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Advice greatly appreciated


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  • Baller
I'm by no means an expert but I did notice a few things. Watching the video on my phone it looks like 22off is putting you right on the rooster tail. Maybe try 15 for less of a bump. Your letting up your cut through the wake and it's causing a pretty big bounce leading into the second trough. Holding that edge just a little bit longer would benefit you greatly. As you get more and more comfortable with pulling through the wake, start to work on getting further out before you start you edge to turn back in. This will help better position you for the buoy width in the course. Your off to a great start! Keep progressing!
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well the wake is really kicking your ass. Yea you should try a different rope length or boat speed.


Besides that, the hardest fundamental skill to learn is to get stacked.


Stacked simply means shoulders over hips and hips over feet. Even before you turn in for your first lean you drop your shoulders forward and hips back. Are you "trying" to bend your knees? If so don't. It is hard to do but simple to talk about .... just stand tall.

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  • Baller

22 off 32 is gonna be a tough wake...most inboards 22 is just a tough place to be.


Agree with others...stand taller. Allow your arms to be straight...it's grip not bicep...just let 'em out. Then push your chest up tall and proud while putting a little arch in your low back to tilt your pelvis forward...feel yourself with your weight over your front binding...stand on your front leg/foot not your rear leg/foot. Do all of this while riding before you pull out (practice with a rope tied to something on shore, too). This is skiing position.


Once you have it standing, time to be that way all of the time...will take a little work. Will be easier if you are not hitting that volkswagen beetle in the center of the wake at 22/32.

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Thank you for the tips. I have a few questions.

When properly stacked where should I feel the most pressure? Quads?


What am I suppose to be looking at while I cross the wakes?


Can u recommend a speed/rope length to practice at? I'm behind a 1997 Malibu response on 69" senate. I'm 210lbs.



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  • Baller
Best way IMO to feel the stack is tie your rope on a tree, put your feet in skiing position, lean away from the tree with the handle about at your hip and arms/knees not locked but ever so slightly bent, hold the handle just as you would skiing and hold that position both onside and offside. You should feel it in shoulders, quads, back , hips and core area with muscles you never knew you had. As far as speed/length I would say 15off at 32 would be a good place to start. You can always bump the speed up or down slightly to get you off the rooster tail.
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  • Baller

@KevL I've been comparing my body position to the body position of the skiers in the youtube video's below. This will give you a good idea what longer line lengths should look like, watching shortline pro's can be misleading and tough to translate to 15 & 22 off.


The skier in the first video is fairly recognizable.


26 MPH - 36 MPH at 15 off behind Centurion Carbon Pro

34/15 off -Water ski practice for critique


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