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Heart Cath Stint recovery


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  • Baller
Hi gilski. I had a cath and stents put in back in 2011. I didn't even know I had a problem except for the times I was skiing in the course and would feel some tightness in my chest. Doctor visit lead to stress test, that lead to a heart cath. When they did the cath they found I was 95% blocked! At that point they inserted 3 stents. This all happened just 3 weeks prior to my annual Thanksgiving week ski trip to FL. I discussed my desire to ski with the heart doc and even showed him some video of me skiing... "I don't see a problem with that" was his exact response. 20 days after my cath/stent procedure I hit the water in Florida with no troubles at all! Hope that helps!
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  • Baller_
@gilski : for my better half it was quite soon, about a month out but only due to complications. She actually coded on the table for the cath, 2 days later was getting stents right after they could remove the ventilator. Felt like a new person after the stents.
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