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Water Ski Ambassador Project - Phase 2


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Ok guys https://where2waterski.com/ is up and running. Now we need some funds for advertising.


In case I have not been clear, the idea is to use Google advertising to find new skiers and bring them into the sport.


Click here for the GoFundMe campaign. We only need a few hundred dollars to get started. If a bunch of Ballers will donate $5 or $10 each that will get the ball rolling.

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We raised $50 in the last 2 days. If you think this effort is a good idea it would be great if you would just throw in the amount of money you spend for a tank of gas. We're at the stage now where we just need to prove that this concept is valid and then maybe we can try to get some money from significantly deeper pockets.


Also I've said this before and I'll say it again but this effort is non-profit. Not a penny goes into my pocket

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As of this week this Project is real!


We have raised over $300 and are currently spending about $20 per day on web advertising. Hopefully we are heading toward critical mass in terms of the site and the fund raising. Now we wait and see if we can recruit some new skiers.

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I am currently in Dubai for work but will be returning home to Tennessee next week, the following weekend going to the KY state championship tournament in Paducah,KY. I don't have the time or the talent to do this but.....If someone could make a flyer with the basic information and some halfway decent graphics. Maybe half of a Letter size paper and post it on the forum, we could print it out and when we go to tournaments we could have some conversations and give the information to people who seem interested. This is a cheap method (doesn't cost the gofundme account a penny) of putting the information directly into the hands of people that have the capability and the means of participating as ambassadors. Print out 5 sheets at home, that gives 10 flyers, have a few conversations at the tournaments (you are gonna do that anyway) and maybe make the difference. Thoughts?
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We have raised about $350 for the project and spent about 1/2 of that already. It would be great if 100 of you guys pitched in $5 or $10. GOFUNDME
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Ok so we are at an impasse.


We raised $350 and spent it all on Google advertising. Looking at the data I think the site clearly works. We clearly drove traffic to the site and I have heard reports that we hooked up new skiers with established skiers.


Part of the problem is I do not have the time to do fundraising. If anyone wants to help with this effort let me know.

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The project is a little stalled out at the moment. Until we raise some more funds for advertising not much is happening. If you believe in the effort $10 from a hundred Ballers would make a HUGE difference. Click here for the GoFundMe campaign.
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