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Ski binding


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  • Baller

Trying to find a ski binding that is super super easy for my dad, cousin or anyone to ski on (for a radar senate ski). I went w/ the cheapest radar prime but they had trouble getting foot in standard boot size (foot size 7-11) and their feet are 9 for my dad and 10 for my cousin.

Now that I’m typing this maybe i go with a victor and go size XL (10-14 foot size) which maybe easy for them to squeeze their foot into a large boot, what do you think of this solution???

Any other boot solution?


They are just cutting back and forth, nothing major or extreme slalom skiing. Again just looking for them to squeeze their foot into an easy ski binding.


Thank you for help


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  • Baller

I have been very happy with Radar vectors. very comfy, easy to get into and out of, no soap required! Plus they will fit the radar ski very well!


I have heard great things about D3 Tfactors as well. Never tried them personally but they seem to be popular. I did just read somewhere that the new ones may not fit on every ski - that may have been an HO ski however.

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  • Baller
We just bought a radar union with a prime 7-11 boot. My feet are size 11 had a really hard time putting my foot in for the first time. After i skid two guys with size 12 feet put their feet in a lot easier than me. I skid again the next day and the boot was significantly easier to put on so maybe try stretching it out a bit if you haven't already.
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