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World Champion Speaks Out and The Sport Should Stop and Listen


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I am very proud of Manon for speaking out about an important issue within our sport of water skiing. She is a brave women and great role model on and off the water. We, as a sport, need to make sure our skiers, especially our children are safe. Manon had an important message in her recent podcast episode about what we can do and why this type of information does not always come out as fast as it needs to in order to protect future victims.


We must not remain silent and on the sidelines waiting for someone else to take action, that is how these types of situations can be prolonged. This includes me, as I have heard and seen situations that I should have spoken out about and did not as I felt it was "not my place" to be the one to speak out. If you have not listened to her full podcast, here is a clip of her important message:



Know of a concerning situation? You can speak out anomalously at: https://uscenterforsafesport.org

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Awesome!! Thank you Manon for speaking out and sharing part of your journey and what you have gone through. I look forward to seeing how this conversation continues to grow and hearing from others about past experiences in our sport and around the world. I have a feeling this is simply the first (and most difficult step) in a long road we as a sport and organization are about to embark upon. Many thanks to your strength and courageousness to speak about an issue such as this Manon, you are an incredible athlete and person to take on a matter as personal as this. I look forward to working with you towards positive changes in our sport and other young athletes futures.
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