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Radar Senate Lithium vs Radar Senate Pro?


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My current ski is a 2018 Radar Lithium Senate (since August 2018).


My understanding is that the Senate Pro is different 2019 to 2020. (Rocker, I think?)

11 weekends a year, I ski at a private ski lake.

About once a week, I ski a course in open water on a public lake.


I have wondered what the differences are between the Lithium Senate 2018 and Senate Pro 2019 or 2020.

Anyone have any input?

I am riding a 69" Lithium Senate.

6'3, 210 lb

In Sept 2018, I was getting close to running 34mph, -15.

Then I broke an ankle, had surgery, etc.


Currently, I'm close to running 32.3 -15 again

I am not a tournament skier, but rather a recreational course skier who likes progress / improving. 32mph, shortening the rope, 34mph tops.

Thank you for reading and your assistance.


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  • Baller

To the best of my knowledge all Senates of the same model year come out of the same mold. The difference is mainly in the core. Possibly a bit in the lay up to achieve the desired flex.

The 17&18 had the step design in the bottom. The 19 lost the step and was a more refined. The 20 shape changed again and is just a bit better. With each shape change the Senate has become better and better. They are all good skis but after owning all three years I think the newest model has the biggest sweet spot and is the most fool proof and easy to ski on. At the level you are at the Lithium will be a great choice but you won’t be sorry if you get the Pro.

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