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8yr Old - Course Tips


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  • Baller

My 8yr old just started to slalom in June.

He's deepwater starting on one and looking really comfortable free skiing at 15off 26mph.

I have him on a boys HO Omni.

Looking to move him into the course for his next progression.

Any tips on boat speed and line length for the intermediate buoys?


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  • Baller

That is awesome that he is up on one at 8. We started my son at about the same age at 15 mph on long line. The mini course is fun for them and can start giving them the desire to round buoys, but I wouldn't focus on the minicourse. Get him to start trying for the full course and use the mid buoys when he can't make it out to the full buoys. Once they get the timing down it is amazing how quickly they will start to pick up speed. We moved from LL to 15 off when he got up to about 24 mph. Have fun!


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  • Baller_

Start here: https://www.ballofspray.com/home-page/tech/2598-the-future-of-our-sport-tips-to-addict-the-next-generation


Before having him try the course, have him pull out wide on both sides and try to get even with the boat. That will set a perspective before focusing solely on buoys.


Its very important to be on the right size ski, 64"ish for traditional slaloms, and slow way down to 15 or so and use the full course.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
Thanks Bojans! We got him up on one at 15 off so we have just kept going with that. Good suggestion to move him back to 75 in the course to start. I never would have thought to begin as slow as 15mph but I'll try that. He keeps pushing the speed up to get the wake down as he's cutting pretty aggressively. I'll try 15mph this weekend and see how it goes. Appreciate the input!!
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  • Baller
Thanks Bruce! Great info. He's on the 63" Omni and it seems to be working well for him. Taking your advice and Bojans' on the 15mph and full course. Working on getting him to pull wider as well. Liked your suggestion to get him on the trick ski early. My instinct would have been to wait a few years but it will be a great way to mix up his sets. He's happy running 4 or 5 long slalom sets a day right now but I'm sure that will get old quick. Mixing in some trick sets will keep him interested. I like it. Thanks!
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  • Baller

We are in a similar situation. My daughter had been skiing and wakeboarding for ~ 5 years now and this year we finally got her a slalom ski she can really progress on. She is pretty goal oriented so I am trying to coach her on specific things each set. I’m also trying to have her do drills and experiment with her positioning so she can feel the change in her positioning and in her ski.


For example I am pulling her in the course at 15mph and 15 off. She can make all 6 buoys and she loves doing that. But I am also trying to teach her proper body positioning by pulling to the side of the boat and trying to keep the handle low. This allows her to see how the ski advances on the boat when she shifts her mass to the front of the ski. She is noticing the difference of turning too late and getting a bunch of slack vs starting the turn earlier and completing the turn with the ski under the handle.


Mostly - keep up the good work and encouragement as that goes a long way in keeping them engaged and excited. Love to see the little rippers!

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  • Baller

Thanks Skoot. We have been working on hips up to handle. I like the idea of experimenting with mass shifting to understand the impacts. Good suggestion.

It's certainly fun to see the little ones progress. They can go all day. Good luck!!

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  • Baller

The advice we got was, slow speed and forget about the gates start by rounding one ball then skiing out to the other balls. When you get one ball all the time add in six ball, then two ball filling in as you go.


The biggest challenge is the huge wakes at low speeds but they soon get the hang of it

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  • Baller

Big wake at slow speeds is going to be a challenge.

Right now he's free skiing at 15off 26mph and the wake behind our SSLXI is pretty good for him. At the slower speeds he wants nothing to do with the wake.



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  • Baller

Does anyone recommend that he start dropping a hand at this stage?

He's already doing it to be like the big boys.

Also, for left foot forward is there a hand that should be on top or just personal preference?


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  • Baller

Thanks Bruce. Switched up his hands and he adapted after his first set.

He’s running a clean pass, including both gates, 17mph, 15 off. He’s only been in the course for a week. Trying to get him up to 17.5.

He’s quickly moving past my coaching ability.

Any suggestions for on-line coaching?

Also not sure how he stacks up for an 8yr old. Seems impressive to me but I’m a biased Dad.

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  • Baller

I hope they can put Saturday's Lake 2 video back up again. In it, @FreddyKrueger talked about 2 key points he stresses while coaching his two boys. If I remember correctly, one was keeping hands/handle low and close for good connection. I think the other was creating good cross course speed. He also pointed out that a number of skiers were struggling because they had their butts staying behind them, especially creating issues into and out of the turns.

I know I did not paraphrase what Freddy said very well, so I sure hope he can chime in and repeat those key points that he focuses on with his two boys. I am sure that would benefit aspiring slalom skiers with learning proper technique, and those like me trying to make fundamental corrections.

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  • Baller_

@LMAR he's looking really good. A couple of things:

1. level your boat:)

2. he needs to get MUCH wider on the gate pullout. Starting narrow like he is makes him ski buoy to buoy and is more difficult to get the handle in close to the hips. Have him try to get even with the boat on the pullout.

3. Once he starts wide, really work on keeping the handle in close

4. check the spacing on his rear foot. It looks a little too far and is a very common problem when they just throw the toe plate on the ski. You want the toes of his rear foot less than 1/2" from the heal of the rear boot.


Don't be surprised if he starts picking up a full pass every time out!

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Thanks Bruce!!!

REALLY good feedback. We'll work on all 4 points this week.

Boat balance and toe plate I can handle.

Wide pullout and close handle is a nice focused list for him to work on for his next progression.

Really appreciate you taking the time.

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