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Kids, Skis & Swim Platforms


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  • Baller
Has anyone come up with a good way to teach the kids to get into the water from the swim platform while wearing two skis, without filing off the edge of the wooden platform? We've tried getting the skis mostly off the edge, squatting low and slipping in but it still happens.
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  • Baller

I don’t have a lot of experience, but normally I’ll go back there and lift kid up completely, swing over such that skis are above water, then lower into water.


You could pick them (And Skis) up and sit their butt on the platform and have them take it from there?


I would think Two skis would be challenge for adult (stronger) let alone a kid. I always have folks on two skis get into water then pass the skis to them, not great plan for kids...


Option b, if the kids are doing decent getting up on two (and motivated to try more things), just put them on a single ski... get one of the training ropes with the open “V” in the middle. They are young and will pick it up quick.

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  • Baller
I always tell our beginner skiers to shuffle their feet back on the swim platform until the middle of their foot is half on the swim platform half over the water. Then I instruct them to just sit down like they were going to sit in a chair. This keeps the kids from getting tangled up in their skis and keeps the skis from hitting the boat. The first time they try it it may surprise them but the next time they try it they love it as it is a fun way to get into the water.
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  • Baller
Could they not just sit on the platform with their feet in the water and put the skis on that way? That is relatively easy for a parent or other adult to help them get the skis on then too. Then they can just push themselves of the platform.
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  • Baller
I have all two-ski skiers (kids and adults) get into the water first before putting the skis on. If they are true beginners, I get on the platform and hold the tips of the skis for stability while they learn to place their feet into the bindings. Most soon learn to put the skis on in the water by themselves.
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  • Baller

All of our kiddos are 8 and under so we're in two skis for a while. @skimtb my daughter learned to slalom last year (7 yrs old!) but she prefers two skis, knee boarding and tubing. I was the same way at her age but I look forward to the day when she only wants to slalom!


@Skoot1123 that is exactly how we are doing it currently. We try to encourage the kids to get on the back of the boat and put their own skis on so we only help if they need it. They pick it up pretty quick, and they've learned to help each other. Reading the comments above, I think we will start having them sit on the platform and then put them on.


A few pics below of my daughter helping her younger cousin. Passing the handle!






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  • Baller_
What Skoot said. I'dd add that when they are in the position he mentioned with feet half way off the platform after having shuffled there, I already have them holding the handle and promote straight arms and head up (looking at me) as they start to sit. Then I just I lower them in. Simple, smooth, and not scary. Heck, their hair even stays dry. More difficult with some of the rounded platform on the 196s
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  • Baller_
Also with regards to filing off edge of wood platform; use a towel on it. If that’s getting to wet to deal with, go to Walmart and buy a thin blue sleeping mat from the camping section (cheap). They come rolled up. Made of foam that does not hold any water. Cut to size. Once kiddos have been lowered into the water, put the blue foam mat where it won’t fly out. ?
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  • Baller
Try not to sweat the scrapes and scratches on the teak too much. When re-oiled a lot of that will hide, and occasionally a little sanding of the edges will take away any small nicks and scrapes. Getting them on slalom will certainly help, and along with getting older and more coordinated.
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  • Baller
My little 7 year old girl is pretty particular about how things go. So she puts the skis on on the deck standing up with the fins hanging over the water. Then, when she's in, we face each other, she bends over, then I bend over her and grab my hands around her stomach and lift her feet up. I then rotate and put her in the water feet first. It might sound funny, but it works great. If she was older and heavier, I would just force her to put the skis on while just sitting on the deck, or be really aggressive and just do the one foot jump like RTP guys do getting in. But I'm pretty sure she'll be on 1 ski before she gets very heavy.
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