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2012 67” prophecy for 14yo son


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  • Baller
I have a 67” prophecy sitting on the shelf, haven’t tried to sell it. Not worth much. Is it worth buying bindings to give my son aged 14 to ski mini course at 46kph. He currently has a 20 year old Obrien junior and progresses fairly quickly.
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  • Baller_

Most junior skis like the Obrien are 59 or 60", which is too small for a 50 lb kid, let alone a 120 lb 14yo. A 67" ski would about the right size, but from what I remember about the Prophecy it was unpredictable unless pushed really hard. Give it a try - if he does ok stick with it, if not search ski-it-again for a 66-67" D3 or Radar.


I would also strongly recommend ditching the mini-course and slow down to where he can make the full course at long line - maybe 22-24mph to start.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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