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Too short or too long. . .


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Hello, I am a female water skier just now learning the full course ('am consistent on min-course). I ski at 26mph, am 5'9, 155lbs (geez, that's a lot of personal info). I currently have a women's carbon onmi 65" in which I am "technically" five pounds over. I love how it turns, and my instructor says I get great angle, but I struggle behind the boat to get enough width (without the double pull!) to make the orange balls. My question, is it better to have a slightly too small of a ski, or potentially too long of a ski. Omni does not come in a 66", thus next size up would be the 67" (I'd like to stay with the Omni if possible).
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  • Baller
My wife is a little more "petite" (I think I'm safe there), she skis at 28 mph 15 off, she's been on a ski that's technically too big forever. She's never had a problem getting it to turn, also keep in mind slower speeds really make it tougher to run a smaller ski.
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  • Baller
I would stick with your 65". The Omni skis big as it is. I'm 190 lbs and ski at 32 mph and I ski on a 67 Omni. I can't imagine you on a 67. If you are having a difficult time getting width, I sincerely doubt it is the ski. I would look more at your skiing.
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  • Baller

I would double check the fin setting to make sure it is at stock settings. At 26mph you can take the wing off and that will free the ski up a bit.


If you keep having issues with width then you might want to dial up your intensity of lean against the boat (while behind the boat) and this will give you some extra speed to cast you out further.

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  • Baller

I would try skiing at a higher speed before changing the ski out. If I were to ski at 26 I would literally be sinking and any turn would feel like I'm trying to turn a semi that is fully loaded with no power steering. Try a few passes at higher speeds, 30,32, and see how much more responsive the ski feels.


Personally I am on a 67'' Radar Vapor probuild and I ski 32-34. I am 195lb and 6' tall.

I don't think 65'' is too short for you at all

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  • Baller
If you’re on the heavy side for the 65 and skiing 26 then I’d recommend get the 67 for a year or two until you’re skiing a little faster. At 30 I think you might like the 65 better. Having said that I do think there’s probably more happening than the ski. Lots of great skiers here who can help if you share a video. (Present company excluded. ?)
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