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Coming back after torn achilles tendon


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  • Baller

I was trying out some new T Factor bindings this weekend and took a bad fall at 28'. Came in late to 4 ball (my good turn), turned it hard, ski stuck, rear foot came out but front stayed in and I pitched forward hard. Broken ankle and torn achilles tendon. Ugh! Surgery on Thurs. Dr. says he can fix everything, but rehab will be many months.


I'm really depressed. Any advice? I'm 62, could run 32' on a good day, but now wondering if I'll ever turn buoys again.

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  • Baller

Happened to me August 3 2016(Achilles only).Had surgery a week later for complete rupture.

Started PT late september for 2.5 months and was 80% back by mid december.By May,i was completely ready for ski season.My foot will never feel the same but i'm pain free and can do everything i want!

Good luck!


My story here...Happened to @Lovell at the same time and to a lot of skiers here.


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

@JeffSwain - very sorry to hear of your injury. I've torn both; in '13 -the L was mid-substance; pretty quick return to decent skiing. In '17 the R was a week after "Ski-Freeze-or Die", that was off the calcaneus and required nearly a year to get back on the water and also was best adapted to by switching from LFF to RFF; then it took another year to start running passes and still looking for consistency. But - still stoked about skiing and will be at '20 Ski-Freeze-Or Die.


The first 6-8 weeks post-op suck, but then things will be looking better. Be diligent with post-op instructions, rehab (Alfredson protocol) when permitted, get a "SlackBlock" for balance training (it'll help you get stoked to return on the water).


By September you'll be behind a handle "exhilarating" down the lake!

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  • Baller
@JeffSwain. Sorry to hear that Jeff. I tore my front foot Achilles when I was a young 58. Just get some good PT and stick to their protocols. You'll be ripping the course again early spring time, if @skiep hasn't trashed your ski. ?
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  • Baller
Sorry to hear about your injury. As noted above, I tore mine skiing in July 2016. I had it surgically repaired within a couple of days of the incident. Do the PT aggressively and you will be physically ready to ski in the Spring. For me overcoming the mental hurdles ( having the confidence to ski aggressively again) was a bigger challenge than the physical aspect. This year I finally jumped that hurdle and have skied a full season with confidence. My ankle will never feel exactly the same again, but I don’t notice when I am skiing. Good luck and keep us posted.
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  • Baller
@JeffSwain from experience I tell you very sorry for your injury. Completely ripped the rear foot Achilles Labor Day weekend 2013. Like someone mentioned, first several weeks after surgery really sucks. Do everything your surgeon and your PT say, it will all come back. In fact, that next summer was one of my best as I hit the water in some of the best shape I have been in before. I did lose a slight amount of front flex and now ski with a small heel support in my back binding. This injury has happened to a lot of skiers and the several I know all came back just fine.
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  • Baller
Been there done that.... You WILL be back... might lose some flexion but not enough to worry you too much. Personally I took a slightly more conservative approach to coming back to skiing just to help me mentally. Rehab has to be a daily thing - I didn't rehab as much as should have and while my Achilles is strong as - I have lost too much flexion for my liking.
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  • Baller

Did you break the talus in the ankle? Over 10 years ago I was trying a Connelly Draft on the front binding, and hit 2 ball (offside) at 28 off rear came out front did not. Fractured the talus. Turns out there a lot of skiers who have done that. For me good orthopedic surgeon i have two screws in there now. It took a while, I had to ride one of those scooter things around the office, earned me nickname scooter. BTW that L foot has 5 broken metatarsals too, also a water ski incident in the 1980s which well, I will go there (true story) could not stand on L foot, tournament at Great Lakes I fell and the ski came off weird ( i had really tight rubber bindings) hopped out of water Dr. Jack Horton came right up you could see the bones sticking up, without much formality he mashed them into position taped my foot and told me to put in the cooler. He got them aligned well enough so when I got to Xrays back in Long Beach where I lived then they said good and casted it. But that's not the main point. I still ski and the talus injury is almost negligible, I am 66 yo so i think your prognosis (others attest to the achilles part) is good.

The talus injury used to be known as 'Aviator's fracture' as it happened in plane crashes.

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