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Swaterski 2020 in the books!


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  • Baller

This event exceeded our wildest expectations, especially in a COVID year. Some people have asked if they can still donate, and the answer is yes! We are hoping to close the books this week: https://websterwaterski.org/product/swaterski-sponsor-a-skier/


SwaterSki 2020 was a combined Water Ski and Snow Ski event on December 12, 2020 to benefit the National Brain Tumor Society in memory of Christine Menard, whom passed away from glioblastoma in December of 2016.


30 skiers from various clubs helped us, even as far away as Maryland, with this event, braving the freezing water and the wet conditions to help raise over $13,000!




We can't think the participants, sponsors and are photographers for helping with this great event! It wouldn't have been possible without USA Waterski providing the insurance!


Photos by: Katie Morrison, Liam Menard, Rhianna Curotto, and members of our Collective who participated.


You can see a LOT of pictures on Facebook: https://facebook.com/media/set?vanity=WebsterWaterSki&set=a.3616963315008484




On behalf of my family, I want to thank the waterski community for embracing this crazy idea!





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  • Baller

@ReallyGottaSki I believe they are public, if you have an issue, let me know and I will see if I can get you a different link.


We were laughing that we got wetter at the snow ski portion of the event than the waterski part since it was raining on the mountain pretty good.


Even still, the skiing (or boarding in my case) was great...probably because we all but had the mountain to ourselves.




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