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Ski Setup - Radar Senate with plate


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Hi team,


I have a few other threads going on different topics, but opening this one for help with ensuring my ski setup is correct.


I had purchased a used Radar Vector boot, RTP and plate to modify with my Connelly F1x, but then found this sweet deal ($75!) on a used Radar Senate. Couldn't pass up matching up the set, so now I've got it mounted and want to make sure I'm somewhere near a stock setup for my extremely newb abilities.


I'm 5/10, 185 lbs, and usually ski about 28-30mph. Just getting into crossing the wake quickly.











I'm not sure the year of this Senate, but I did find some stock measurements here: https://radarskis.com/finsettings

I'm happy to take pics with the calipers for fin depth and DFT as well if you feel it will help.


Here's me playing around with it yesterday.



Anything you'd recommend for a beginner? and I'm still somewhat riding on the tail of the ski LFF, but that's probably more technique than placement.


I appreciate your input!

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  • Baller

Skip the photos of the caliper measurements unless you want clarity that you're taking them right it's hard enough getting good measurements with out going one handed at it.


Similarly for the boot looks close but I'd just poke the measuring tape through the rear toe plate till it hits the boot and then read at the tail of the ski. Too hard to measure from the wall up the side and look across it accurately. Doesnt always matter as some binding plates will only let you move it a big jump but can be hard to eyeball that way.


RTP as close as possible with out your toes hitting the front boot is a good place to be.

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Awesome find, thank you! I see those settings are a bit different than the 2016 settings I used.




I used my miter saw to make a 9° wing gauge.




Check the fin depth at 2.51 and length at 6.880 with the calipers and adjusted a bit. Distance from tail is right on at 780.


The boot setting for that year will be at 31, mine's at 31 and 1/4 but as you can see I have problems riding on the back of the ski, so I'm going to leave it up a titch for now.


Thanks for all the help!

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  • Baller
At those speeds, you might find that your Senate feels better without the wing. I've run 34mph without the wing on my 69" Senate. Feels like taking the brakes off, much easier to carry the speed around the buoys. I've also found on older Senates, moving the boots a little further forward helped it turn easier. But the 2017 Senate suggested measurements had the boot a little further forward already, so I just used what they suggested.
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