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PSA-Don't forget to check your bindings!


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  • Baller

You know the screws on reflex bindings that hold the front toe bar in place? The ones that come up from the bottom? I lock-tited mine a couple years ago because they kept loosening and they've been fine ever since. Until today. Felt something wrong in the crossing and luckily managed to get back on top before crashing. You can see me look down at the last moment before my foot came off my ski. Ouch, but could have been worse!


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  • Baller

What plate are you using? Are the plate holes in good shape? Are the horseshoe screws tight on the aluminum bases tight before attaching to the plate?


They might get loose, but not usually that often.


It is also a good practice not to store the ski with the boot locked to the plate, and clipping the binding with the boot in the foot (not inserting the foot with the liner in an already clipped boot). That gives you an additional check before skiing.

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  • Baller
It’s the carbon plate-holes are fine. The toe-hold screws loosened a couple times a few years ago when new. After I got sick of removing the plate to tighten I decided to use a little blue loc-tite. Then they were fine for at least a year or 2 so I stopped checking them-still checked the other screws routinely of course. That was my mistake. The dab of loc-tite on one of the posts must have let go and loosened. The other post was still fine. Shame on me-I know I should check all my equipment every time, but after checking the toe-loop for so long with no loosening I just assumed…. Last time I make that mistake-it freaking HURT.
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  • Baller

Red loctite, it will never unscrew, even with a screwdriver. Apply heat and it will.

Personally don’t use any thread locker on the horse shoe. I use a ph3 or pz3 screwdriver (depending on the screws) to tighten the screws, if you are using a ph2 there is no way to tighten the screws with enough force in order to be sure that they stay tight in place.

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  • Baller
The carbon plate will deteriorate over time and will need to be replaced, I switched to the G10, or whatever it is. I know it's a MASSIVE increase in weight but...no more problems. Maybe that carbon plate flexes or even compress between the screw and loop?
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  • Baller

On plate weight increase with the G10 plate, it will not be relevant at all for perrformance.


As a matter of fact, using a normal sock in your foot will increase your binding+boot weight by far more - in a place where the added weight is not relevant.

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