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Wider ski for better stance?


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  • Baller

I am on a 67" D3 Ion and i am skiing mostly 55k. PB 2@12/55.

I really like the ski when I ski well but I have a hard time progressing because I feel like my position on the ski varies a lot.


Sometimes everything feels so easy and balanced, but most of the time I struggle with inconsistent body position, mostly in the turns.


Can a wider ski help me keeping my body balanced over the ski more consistently?


I have looked at the Reflex Nirvana Plus and the HO Omega Max

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  • Baller

Short answer: I do not think so.


Long answer: what is your heigth/weight? Post some video. If you are in a very short ski for your size (unlikely if you are using a 67”) you might have some issues. But video would be the best tool for getting feedback here.

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  • Baller

Spend the ski money on some time in the gym working on core strengthening.


Maybe join flow point method and work along with that. Ive been debating it. As I age I feel like my position is not due to knowledge or desire or feedback from coaching but weakness and fatigue. I know I want to stand taller and I listen to what the coach says and try to implement it but it all fails when my toughest passes are at my most worn out


But I do feel that a wider ski is less taxing to do 6 or 8 deep water starts in a row on.

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  • Baller

@ral I am 183cm and 82kg so 67" would be my size. I tried to post a MP4 video but it was not the right format (what is the right format?)


I know it is more time in the gym and more time on the water that is the ticket. I know exactly in theory what to do to make it happen. It is just hard to change what the body has done by automatic for 25 years :) . Was just curious if anyone thought that a wider ski could make a more stable platform to work from.

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  • Baller

Everything on the ski is stock. I will also say that it is probably the best ski I`ve ever had. I can ski very consistent if I ski the way I`ve always skied. But then my limit will always be 2@12/55.


I want to take the next step so this season I have been trying to rework my fundamentals. Stand taller, stacked position, stay better connected, balanced over the ski in turns, work on vision etc. This have changed my consistensy. I have tied my PB but I have also missed my opener which I never did before. I try to work on one thing at a time to not get confused but the progress is very slow.


I noticed that more companies make wider variations of their skis. Reflex Nirvana/Nirvana+, HO Omega/Omega Max, Goode XTR/XTR Wide etc. So my thought was: Can a wider ski be helpful when working on proper fundamentals? Is it a better platform than conventional skis for that purpose?

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  • Baller
@jnan66 reading your posts, I personally think this is not a ski issue, yes we can all work on form, 2@12 55mph is good skiing, but remember the shorter the line , the more critical the setup and gate become, I suspect the issue could be your setup and how you move into the gate, if you are late, too slow or fast, 2@12, maybe 3@12 is going to be the result.
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  • Baller

@BraceMaker I joined FPM back in April, it's been great - well worth the time and money, I've struggled with my back and various other injuries over the years and it's sorted me out so I can ski every weekend (multiple times if I want to) whereas before, even with a PT, I could only ski once a fortnight or so and still ache the next day.


I mainly concentrate on the daily PT side and flexibility sections rather than the technique bits - that's for next year after the winter training sessions

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