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What's a quarter inch between friends?


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  • Baller

Question about binding position:


After a record breaking trick set (PB now 60 points), I inadvertently moved my binding up one notch. It felt really strange. In fact, I was very surprised at how weird it felt. I've decided to stick with it for a while and have put about 5 sets on with the new position.


I feel like I'm getting more of a carving turn. I've been running some decent 32's. I'm imagining I'm having an easier time getting up over my ski into the preturn.


Is this in my head? What should one expect when moving the bindings forward?


I'm on a 67" Radar Vapor, 55k and my style is east/west/south/north coast in random order or "chiropractor bait".

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  • Baller

This concept has been on my mind since moving from a Senate to a Vapor and skiing less then 36mph, in my case 32mph. The Senate has stock binding placement 1/2" more forward then the Vapor. In your case at 34mph you are having success at 1/4" forward, would a 32mph skier have success at 1/2" forward? Does the ski designed to run at 36mph need more levelling at lesser speeds?

Unfortunately a shoulder injury is playing more havoc on my skiing then ski set up, and therefore I'm not consistent in my testing to determine the outcome. I can find the ski different in binding placement setups, then have completely different results the next pass on the same settings.

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  • Baller

Why inadvertently, can’t you go back to previous position? If it doesn’t feel right, probably isn’t. Some skis, you move a hole (about 1/4”) and you barely notice the difference and on others 1/8” or less is noticeable and 1/8” could be the distance from ok to great or the opposite.

I use a mikrojust for that matter and I suggest everyone Who’s serious about course skiing, should use a type of microadjusting system.

So a quarter could be nothing but could also be disastrous.

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With most binding plates One Hole = 3/8". That is a pretty big move. I never move my bindings more than 1/8 at a time.


It is a common mistake to move bindings forward and think it is better when the performance is actually worse. (If nothing else changes) as your bindings move forward your ski will initiate earlier and easier. It will feel like the ski is turning harder and faster but the tail will slide less and the result is less angle.


I am not saying that @laz is wrong if he likes his boots one hole forward. I am saying that you should move your bindings with discretion.


@Windsurfnut 1/2" forward of stock is HUGE. I really doubt it would be better.

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  • Baller
@Laz and @Horton I too recently moved my bindings forward 1 hole, or approx 1/4"-3/8" but also changed my fin to WF Pro, which does allow the tail to slide more. so far, I really like the change, with a bit more ski in the water and an easier to slide tail. Other notable differences include: the water temperature has dropped about 8 degrees Celsius, and I ski on public water, so conditions vary set to set. 67" DRG r1, 55kph, and also practicing 'chiropractor bait' style...
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@aupatking no I do not move fin and bindings at the same time. Part of the point of moving your bindings is to increase or decrease the distance from your feet and the fin. If you move them both you are moving everything around on the ski.
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