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WLCW Zack Worden Jump-a-thon Fundraiser


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  • Baller

"A call to arms to the Collegiate Waterski community: Zack Worden needs our help


As most of you may know, Zack had a terrible jump crash that broke his back, sternum and many other serious injuries that left him in the hospital with surgeries unsure if he’d regain his ability to walk. Luckily his spinal cord was somehow undamaged, but unfortunately, he was between health insurance coverages at the time of the injury. That said, the mountain of bills he faces through his surgeries and recovery will be daunting."


In the wake of Worden's injury there are many opportunities for the waterski community to come together and support one of our own. I know that many of you have already donated via the Militia T-Shirts and Tank Tops, for those who wish to support a different way, here is your opportunity. You can elect to pledge a donation tied to a collegiate skier's jump performance at nationals next week. Simply go to the form linked below, select the skier whose score you would like to tie your donation to, and enter in your pledge amount.





This is a walk-a-thon style fundraiser where you can pledge any amount of money towards jump scores at collegiate nationals. Select the jumper that you would like to "Sponsor", for every foot that they jump, that adds to your total pledge amount. ex. You pledge $1/foot for Jess Nieters (PUR)'s jump. She jumps 49 feet, you donate $49.


You can pledge any amount that you wish! After the conclusion of NCWSA Collegiate Nationals, your jumpers results will be sent to you, and instructions for how to donate will be sent along with that information.


Thank you so much for everyone's support, and jumpers remember to FLY FOR ZACK

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  • Baller

Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge so far! After just one day we have promises that will total out to $600 (assuming sponsored skiers meet or exceed their regional scores), with huge donations coming from the ski communities at Florida Southern and Auburn!


Someone also pledged to every skier who did not land at regionals! If you work with a team who had people not land, they have potential to be part of a huge donation! Get them on the water!!


The form will be open until the end of Collegiate Nationals, if you want to pledge something, no matter how small, it will make an impact!

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  • Baller

Hi yall, just wanted to give a quick update on the jump-a-thon fundraiser.


We're up to almost $900 in pledges!!!! Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far! The biggest possible donations are coming from Cal Poly, Florida Southern, Auburn, and from everyone who didn't land a jump at Regionals!


If you are thinking about sponsoring a skier, the form is linked above! Every penny counts, and no pledge is too small!

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  • Baller

Fundraiser Update! Nationals is just a few days away! The form for pledges will close Saturday after the tournament finishes up. So far we have over $1100 in potential donations!!! Thank you so much for everyone who has pledged to donate!!!!!


It's not too late to pledge, you can put down any amount that you wish! Everything counts and is deeply appreciated!



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  • Baller

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! Right now skiers across the country have pledged just under $1500 in donations towards Worden's recovery!!!!


The first jump event is tomorrow and it will be Women's D2!


The sponsor form will be open until the end of Nationals on Saturday night! Every donation helps a ton! Pledge 5 cents to a 100ft jumper, that $5 donation will make a difference!!!



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  • Baller

Nationals is well underway! D2 women's jumpers are earning their pledges! You can find the full list of today's sponsored skiers at WeLoveCollegeWaterski on Instagram if you'd like.


Today's top potential donations come from KJ Miller out of Cal Poly! She's expected to hit at least a 90ft jump with $3/ft going towards Worden!


You can still pledge to any skier you'd like, even the ones who have already gone! All donations count, and can be in any amount that you'd like!



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  • Baller

Nationals continues today! The D2 Men just finished jumping with Auburn's Jack Glendinning jumping the furthest of any sponsored skier at 89ft so far. D1 Women are about to start, and our largest potential donation will come from Alabama's Taylor Grathwohl's jump!


You can still fill out the sponsor form. Any amount you wish, and any skier that you want! (Even those who have already jumped)!


Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed!

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  • Baller

Today is sadly the last day of Collegiate Nationals, but that also means there's another jump event today!!!! D1 Men's jump will finish off the tournament, and Goodman Skis pledged $5/ft towards Quinn Haines' (Alabama) jump! Along with Goodman's massive pledge, there are many other sponsored skiers whose jumps will support Worden's recovery. If you'd like to join them, it is not too late to sponsor a skier, even one who has already jumped!




Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored a skier, shared the fundraiser, or told a friend about it! The support from the waterski community has been unreal!

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  • Baller

Nationals finished up this afternoon, and with it the Jump-a-thon is also over. Together as a ski community, we pledged over $3,000 towards Zack Worden's recovery.


Thank you so much for everyone who supported this endeavor. From @Horton who shared every post I made about this, to John Mommer who gave me the initial go ahead on the idea to try it, Allie Steele who forwarded me the an email with the Militia Clothes fundraiser that inspired me, the skiers who jumped their hearts out this weekend, and most importantly the people who pledged to the skiers and are going to make a difference with their donation.

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  • Baller

The D1 scorebook was posted this afternoon, and jump scores have been confirmed. If you sponsored a D1 skier, check your email! Donation instructions should have been sent to you!


Thanks again for everybody's support for this fundraiser!

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  • Baller

D2 scorebook was posted yesterday, and the remaining emails with donation instructions have been sent out! If you pledged to make a donation, and did not receive an email, please let me know! Either by DMing me here, or by sending an email to WLCWpod@gmail.com


Again, thank you so much to everyone who participated in the fundraiser!

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