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Go Fund Me for Brian Kreis


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I do not know what happened to but there is a Go Fund Me for @bkreis


Think link is below. I do not know anything else.



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  • Baller

From Brian today

Thank you everyone, it's going to be a long process. There were 2 brain bleeds, nose ripped off face, and a bunch of nerve issues.

It was an interesting week to say the least.

In the big picture, I'm hopeful to be ok and hopefully back in the water bt Aug or September. We'll see...thanks to everyone that has donated...it means alot!!!!

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  • Baller

thank you @Horton for posting the link. I'm so grateful to have lived and the support that has been here so far. the 1st car, likely a taxi that caused the situation did not stay and sent me into oncoming traffic the other direction after breaking the frame in half to have it held together by a piece of plastic. The impact was the rear half of the frame so I never saw it coming. th front I was able keep intact until I was forced to lay it down as hit by a suv.

I was unconscious and have no memory of any of it. I can only tell because of the damage to the bike when it was dropped off at my house. the 2nd vehicle/suv did stay, and poor guy thought he killed me.

now 2 weeks, my face hurts as it should, head hurts and thankfully did not require surgery. all the impact pain is starting to show itself now that the shock is over...day by day!!!

Thanks to all that are able to help and send some serious positive vibes!!!

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