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Spraymnakers Episode 4 - Path of the Handle


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  • Baller

I agree with @Horton on this episode of Spray Makers. It is really good. I actually have listened to this one twice to try to really absorb / grasp what they are talking about and how to incorporate it into my skiing. As someone who is working his way up to 34 MPH and 15 off, I'm probably one of those people who pull too long but "get away with it" due to skiing at a longer line. I'd like to stop that now. The concepts here are a bit different than how I have thought about skiing before. I might go listen a third time to really understand the how of the edge change at the center of the wake. The main thought I believe is: Don't push the ski out but roll onto the inside edge with my ski right under me - meaning in the same place. Don't manipulate it or change body position.


Yeah, I need to go listen again.


PS - I think this is the Freddie Winter video that Rossi mentions in the episode. I keep looking at the edge change and just how still everything is. Good visual for sure.



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  • Baller
I remember Adam Caldwell posting once that he purposely tries to point his ski down the lake after crossing the wakes. (I’m not sure that was his exact words but was the concept). I believe that the reason why was to fully take advantage of the “weight on the end of a pendulum” effect so as to get as high on the boat as quickly as possible. I think that is some of what they are talking about in this podcast.
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  • Baller

Found the post I was thinking about above in the "Connection and Swing" discussion. It was Adam Cord not Adam Caldwell. I will post it below. Lot's of great stuff in that discussion that relates to the Spraymakers Podcast referenced above.


"Without it getting complicated - As SOON as I hit what feels like maximum angle and load in the pull (usually right at the start of the first white wash), I am doing everything I can to get the ski out of angle and off it's cutting edge. Mechanically I do that by pushing the ski more in front of me and trying to point it straight down the lake (not across it toward the shore). At the same time I am leaning away from the pylon with my upper body to keep myself in position to hold the centrifugal force. What it feels like from the skier perspective is that I am standing up very straight and tall through the wakes. That forces the ski to roll flat and lets me stay in a hips to the handle position against the rope."

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