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How One Tip Saved My Back Pain and Helped my Position Massively!


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3 simple words can make a big difference to a 13 year olds slalom technique. I had been struggling with upper back pain for a while (due to sub-optimal slalom position) and this pain made my position worse! But one tip helped change this and put me on the road to a better position and less back pain!

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  • Baller

I don’t know who the little leprechaun guy in the click baitesque video is but that’s a great tip regarding the chest puffing out etc.


Back in the day “proud chest”. Great stuff.


I’m going to add that into the repoetiore next time I go around some boo-es.

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  • Baller
On a side note: I do think it's really clever using binary for the Robot users info. I'm a computer programmer and if I ever get a tattoo, I was thinking it would be funny to have a string of binary around my arm instead of barbed wire. Then I could tell people it says whatever I want them to think it says:) It would probably actually just say "barbed wire":)
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