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Modified shorty Leverage rear


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  • Baller

Sooo I will try to keep this shorter as I could go on and on, skied the old Leverage bindings (with the lace up the back) for way more than a decade -- then 4 (or 5) seasons ago I went to (on front) Reflex white cuff with 840 binding, kept the leverage rear. The upper cuff overlay started to tear but it seemed I liked that better (BTW did not cinch up the back laces on the rear for years) Then it was fading fast and an illustrious SCCWSC member (another Kevin) gave me a complete Leverage binding assemble (L-XL rear) without the plate- and he used another rear rubber and mentioned that Leverage did not do the trick for him.Having had the chance to ski more sets than ever this year, here in the fall I took the one with the ripped overlays apart and cut it down (seeing some of the newer back booties my hypothesis was why not?). I found there are some stiff plastic shells around the ankle which I removed. I attach photos of the new shortie v the original.

So I hope the photos attach. My hypothesis is more freedom of movement and it would take me months to get back to an RTP ( i tried it) , so give this a go. I skied it today (haven't skied in 2 weeks to be clear) but I like the way the ski comes around both sides better.My design mistake is I did not get way to grab the rear and pull it up and I have to squish my foot in. All that said I am planning to ski on it further.Any baller comments or experience on these experiments appreciated,,,,From Santa Cruz

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  • Baller

You may be able to remove the rear plastic “horseshoe”, run a webbing strap between it and the boot, and screw through it. Would be nice if you were able to sew it to the top of the heel piece too, but good luck sewing through boot neoprene. It can be done, but that stuff is tough. Maybe the simplest thing would be to drill holes through the old webbing and run something like paracord through the holes for a pull loop

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