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Out the front vid -forward/away lean?

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  • Baller

Following several years off the water due to back pain and pursuing Mt biking, last week I opted to get back on the water! I live at -25 and was very comfortable there so I opted to start there. Although this is not the most spectacular out the front crash but it brings up the question of how much directional lean is too much?   I look ok off 2 ball then right at the 1st wake it was too much.  Years ago there was a great pic of Bishop (I think) leaning away but also in the direction of  travel. Slowing the vid it made me think of that 




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Hmmmm- didn’t look like too much at all in the video. Will slow it down and look again .  On second look you lost your water speed for a second after 2 ball with a noticeable tip rise. As soon as you connected again you got pulled way forward out of position , butt back and too much load and out you went 

Edited by MDB1056
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The below frame is from your gate. Same issue as out of 2 ball. Your stack is completely broken. Your hips & shoulders are totally open plus your back knee is much more bent than front knee (& bowlegged?) What you are doing with your legs and hips puts your shoulders in front of your hips with all the power of the boat pulling from your shoulders. 



Below is the other direction but more clearly shows the issue. Back leg is basically collapsed, back heel is likely lifted, front leg is locked, hips are behind feet and shoulders are ahead of hips. 


My coaching would be to stand up. Both feet, both heels need to be flat in the ski. Your hips should be pointed in the same direction as the the tip of your ski ( dick, knees and tip of ski would be all pointing in same direction). I strongly suggest that you relearn your stance starting with your gate.

FYI your gate pull our is great as it is

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IMO It looks like a ski problem contributed to the fall.  You were out of position but the ski just quit holding an angle with very little "pull".  Some skis have a small sweet spot for holding an angle . . your wight distribution wasn't in the sweet spot.  Most most skis wouldn't have just slid away from you with what you were doing.  I would look at ski setup . . bindings first then fin.

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This was 2nd set and despite snow skiing 49 days ending previous weekend it's not the same as water skiing!  Good points thanks Horton and others!

Probably should not have done a 2nd set so sore, but I was there and thankfully did not get hurt! 

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  • Baller
43 minutes ago, BraceMaker said:

Watching the video why did you let go? 

Well like I said in the OP after taking 2 1/2 years off I felt like I was in a blender at the rapid fire velocity that happens in the course in 17"  Letting go was better than getting injured -just the PT in me

The best coaching that day was **Slow your gate down** That was in the 1st set as I was dropping in spiking the load and it only got worse. So there ya go!😁


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  • Baller
1 hour ago, cragginshred said:

 -just the PT in me


I guess.... You sort of let go and took the crash people don't want to take.  That sort of through the wake release is how you blow out your ear drums or break legs.

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  • Baller
3 hours ago, AdamCord said:

Step 1 in any coaching I do is tell people to STAND UP. It’s amazing how many other problems go away when you do just this.

With that how do I prevent being 'lean locked' and ending up with a late edge change? 

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Something that helped me and I think you're thinking about it as I did.  If you're standing tall it sort of makes you feel like you're some sort of inverted pendulum like a metronome and that the move is that you're leaning away, and then that your body needs to do that inverted swing up over the ski to the other side of the ski. In which case your head and shoulders need to come UP and Over the center of the ski to change edge.

So this is I believe from Joel Howley's phrasing if I recall correctly but if you are skiing tall with your head and shoulders and handle sort of on a single height above the water, then if you try to maintain that height or plane that you're skiing in but soften your knees that action of softening the knees even with maintained connection/pull is going to result in the ski moving under you and away.  This means the only true lean lock has to occur when you start out so compressed that there is nothing else you can do but let go or give up and be pulled up and over the ski to the inside.

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i am a bit perplexed by your question. If you skied the course the way you pull out for the gates you would be much safer and much more efficient.

when you move left to get wide on the boat on your gate, your position is relatively tall and you are stacked. it's not perfect but it's pretty good.

Tell me why you think that's going to create lean lock.

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