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Posts posted by TustinTom

  1. Hi @LZywicki1


    I/We did SeaDek. It was an easy DIY. I also sent SeaDek a blank/tracing of the gunwale as it is a bit slippery and somewhat updates the boat a bit to what the newer boats look like. It's been 3 years and still very happy with how well it's held up. No issues.




  2. I have had only the best of luck buying and selling. The fact that someone is selling/buying on the site gives me some comfort. Contact the seller and if they are willing to give you their cell and address and they know skis/bindings etc. then I'd go for it. Clincher being if they are on BOS, I doubt they want to ruin their reputation on a ski sale.

    That said, I wouldn't buy a $80K boat without seeing it.

  3. My Malibu Pad came off pretty easy once I got the corners going.


    Per SeaDek website:


    SeaDek is designed for a semi-permanent installation, but can be removed. The best method is to use a plastic putty knife to get under one corner, then grip and pull off. If the PE/EVA seems to be sticking and tearing, apply small amounts of acetone to the PSA and continue lifting with the putty knife. You may want to enlist another set of hands to assist. Once the entire pad is removed, there will be a small amount of PSA left on the surface. Soak with mineral spirits for 10 minutes, scrape with the plastic putty knife and a rag. Once the PSA has been removed, use acetone to remove the mineral spirits.

  4. Great interview @MarcusBrown


    Your question about "biggest deficiency in amateur skiers" @ 12:30 was answered in 1 minute. Really??


    How did @twhisper stretch that segment in to 15 mins on my video review, complete with side/sides pics, graph lines/arrows and even some encouragement? LOL !!!


    It is just awesome and humbling to know how hard you guys work your craft (through FP TV or skiing) and still include/share with us average Joe's.


    I need to ramp up my coaching & video's so you can keep chasing your endeavors.

  5. Most of the blogs/rants regarding equipment etc., are beneficial. Some come with a grain of salt, but I enjoy the side commentary just the same and dream of the day that I could tell the difference in rope composition, .0001 DFT, driving technique or how the swing at 32 off is nirvana to most here.


    As you said, we all love the sport. My love/passion/perception/goals etc. are different from everyone's. I hear ya @jhughes , I wouldn't want to be at the dock debating daily on these topics with guys who don't/won't/shouldn't or couldn't see the love or frustrations through my eyes. But that's what makes BOS great, I control the volume.


    I'm blessed with having funds/spendy and cursed with very little water time. While I would never judge someone for their sacrifices or financial choices in pursuit of their passion, someone might. It's probably the same guy who judges me, a 15/22 offer with a Whisper Fin and a PowerVest (used on my 2nd set to get up/ski 6 full runs) behind a 06" PP boat.


    @Ski2000, @MISkier answered your question....practice/coaching is the best use of cash -period. At least until the .000 thousandths DFT conversations are meaningful (as a 250lb. tail rider, I LOL at these caliper problems) or if skier/boater safety is questionable.


    @ToddF spot on, +1.


    @Jody_Seal In San Fran, you can pee in the street and not get cited. One drop of soap drops in the water here in So. Cal and you may go to jail. LOL

  6. Sorry to hear about that Kevin, bummer. Silver lining is that it happened at the end of your season and you have the winter to determine your next move.


    About the bindings, there are numerous binding posts covering the safety topic to those who just want to tinker/change. The basic message seems to be the same, no system is full proof.


    Our ski/bindings/age/weight/ability are roughly the same. I am a "all in" guy. I think I would freak out if I started losing my ski (or anticipated losing my ski) in hard falls. I've safely "ejected" out of my double boot Radar Carbitex a few times, with the BOA/bottom portion as tight as I can get it.


    In an effort to focus my weight on my front foot, I have thought hard about #1, HO/w RTP, only to be told by no less than 3 teaching pro's, great in theory but you may spend a bit of time getting used to the set-up and with the little ski time I get, never really get comfortable. In addition, I think my weight would be at the high end of the release point


    Let us/me know what direction you go. I may just chock this fall up to a "tough break"

  7. Very interesting. I never realized how loud (in comparison) our 06 LXi is until on the dock watching, then listening back to back with another boat.


    No one lives on the lake where the course is, but if less noise in the boat, I'm for it. Also, like a snorkel, I'm sure there is a Co2 benefit when surfing.


    Very cool

  8. @powbmps

    I'm using last years Encore vest. I've only used a CGA vest. Great Radar quality and offers a bit more rib protection and of course floats better. It seems to take on the same amount water as the other manufacturers mid-market CGA partial neo vests in our boat.

    I'm too bad a skier, too heavy and our pond water is too dark to go to a comp vest. But, I want too!

  9. Not our property so shooting the fowl will not work.


    The course is set up in a true pond. Last season ended when the water got to about 3 feet deep. Right now it's about 5 feet deep. It's only source of water is rain, so we ski until the water evaporates. No fresh water/pump/recirculation at all.


    So, it's not ideal, but it's what I have to deal with if I want to ski the course. Thanks all

  10. Hi Ballers:


    I had never heard of this prior to skiing this weekend.


    Are there any good preventive solutions to Swimmer's Itch (outside of what's on the internet) ? My reaction to this has worsened/progressed from: Hey, I think I got bit by a bug (June); to Hey, my vest gave me a rash (August); to this weekend looking like I ran through Poison Ivy.


    Please let me know what creams/lotions work? Does a wetsuit help?


    Thanks in advance.




  11. Well, you can do a lot of preventive things, but we all know the story....if anyone "really" wants it. If you are really concerned: Park under lights, back in to a corner spot, lock chain and remove swing away thru bolt.


    I wouldn't overthink it. That's for Insurance to worry about.

  12. What @oldjeep said.


    Is your concern while driving or waking up after a hotel stay and your boats gone? On overnights, we chalk the tires, padlock the chain to the truck, unhitch it and pull back the swing away tongue, while taking the thru bolt and cotter pin to the room.


    Don't know if you meant "new" to you or brand new. My concern on a 1,000 mile trip would be: did you confirm with the seller the age/condition of the tires and spare?

  13. I wouldn't. The seller of our boat did us a favor by meeting us half-way (about 400 miles). He towed it to us with the cover on. We had to take it to get professionally detailed due to the scratches/scuffs in the gel coat.

    As said above, if you start with a washed boat, clean/soft cover AND have it wrapped, then go ahead.

  14. No affiliation, but if you are flying inside the USA, I have used ShipSticks successfully.


    Ship it to your hotel/destination (ship 3 days in advance for better rate). Strategically place your vest/gloves skis, gloves and towel for shock/no rubbing etc. Pack in some zip ties, duck tape & your shipping label (back home). Close it/lock it or zip tie and ducktape it.

    Change out the shipping label and will call it back home when done. No luggage, no hassle.

  15. What @Ed_Johnson eloquently said !!


    Being a 15 offer, I've appreciated all the encouragement and advice from the ballers (and yes we rock our Baller hats too).


    For me (and probably all of us) the site has influenced my spending with specific vendors, manufacturers, authors, ski schools, video coaching, getting hooked up with a club and even buying our (used) boat.


    Beyond that, it's the handful of guys I've befriended and ski'd with (one from Canada) that all share the same hobby/addiction, made possible by BOS. Happy B-Day


  16. Thank you @Horton, fantastic stuff for us less mortals. I get what you are saying & in a desperate move to get my weight forward I just bought a RTP. Your message has been the same at 3 schools and my TW Video training.


    Could you recommend any free ski or land drills? Thoughts on practicing behind the boat at a slower speed and shorter line length (no water/no course until winter) ?


    Your BOS slow mo video of Chis Parrish is perfection of what you are saying. His compression is minute compared to TW or JB.


    Can Video 2 be about how to keep your arms to the vest/handle down?

  17. The Quarry went dry (via evaporation) before summer. It was a short season, barely 4 months. We will need a lot of rain to re-open late Winter/Early Spring.


    The Carlsbad Lagoon is off Tamarack and the 5. No club. You have to get a launch permit and city permit to launch your boat. Fall to Spring is the best chance to ski early in the AM. You always run the risk of the course being partially up (heavy tide & marine life takes it toll) and you always run the risk of the wakeboard group.


    I'm in Orange County or else I'd join you in Mission Bay. As @Horton said, hardest place to ski. Amazing how we get frowned upon by skiers/boarders as we put our boat in salt water (Lagoon/Marine Stadium). It's that or don't ski locally when the Quarry is dry.

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