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Posts posted by tewbert

  1. My complaint is the weight of the OB4 system. I purchased the double boot setup last year after a summer ending back injury on Stradas. I had several bad OTF falls early this summer and the release worked flawlessly but it felt like I had dumbbells on the end of my feet as I was cart-wheeling across the lake. Can't fully contribute my 2 swollen, twisted knees to the bindings, but they didn't help. I have sz 12 OB4s, so it doesn't look like I can switch to the MOB G10 plates. My search continues.
  2. All excellent comments. I dislocated my right shoulder twice (about 20yrs apart though) on offside falls. Both times, the shoulder remained dislocated until an emergency room visit (no surgeries either time). Back on the course 6 months later each time. Follow your PTs instructions and don't rush it. I've always been a gym rat and strengthening and stabilization exercises for your shoulder should be second nature like brushing your teeth. I'm 50 and never have been a tournament skier so I have no problem passing up that last ball if a pass doesn't look good. I've also trained myself to snap my arms in on many falls which helps on many of my average spills. I still recognize that this is a dangerous sport and accepting risk comes with the territory. Good luck in your recovery!
  3. Great video Marcus! I've been trying to focus more on what my hips are doing vs what my shoulders are doing. For example, I'll video a pass and think I was really counter rotating only to see my upper body counter a little and my core and hips still be closed. Once I cross the back of the boat, where should my hips be? Is it a gradual transition from having them face downcourse to a countered position? I think I focus much more on the ball to the back of the boat vs the back of the boat to the ball.
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