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Posts posted by ecstaski

  1. Thank you all for your comments - I actually found a document in the Google Books library that is a NERC reviewed and approved study done in Winter Park Florida in 1974 that supports the theory. It actually documents Boarditups comments. The adverse effect is turbidity but it also indicates that this only occurs in water less than 6 feet deep as well as from shore erosion. For any of you that might also find it helpful as a resource, this document is free from Google Books at this link; http://books.google.ca/books?id=nmwYAQAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
  2. We are trying to get access to an expired quarry that has a 2200 foot by 500 foot lake that is 10 to 20 feet deep as a water skiing site. There is no water course in or out so the lake is stagnant feed by rain and possibly ground water. The lake is 60 feet below ground level so it is very well protected from the wind. The property is owned by a conservation authority that wants to develop the lake for fish. I am arguing that a water ski boat will substantially increase the oxygen levels and contribute to mixing the water which will increase the lake's capacity for fish. The theory is that during warm weather months, pond water stratifies into three layers. The top layer is warmer and contains oxygen producing algae. There will be minimal wind action on the water to mix and contribute oxygen to the top layer. Due to the fact that there is no water movement. as you go down in the water the water will cool down. There will be a middle layer which will be a relatively thin layer characterized by a rapid drop in temperature and oxygen levels. The bottom layer will be stagnant, cool water, with little or no oxygen. It does not mix with the upper level during warm weather. The fish habitat would be limited to the top layer. Therefore the propeller action of the boat will not only add oxygen to the water but will substantially contribute to mixing the layers providing more oxygen to a greater depth and creating a greatly improved habitat for fish.


    Does anybody have information or knowledge of studies or papers that would substantiate this argument?

    Do you know of any other arguments that could be presented to justify that a water ski tow boat would improve water quality?



  3. As a judge who has been faced with that call many times, I feel that we put far too much emphasis on the gates - if you were close enough to run over the ball to make it a judgement call, who cares! Hitting the gate ball does the skier more harm that good. I've seen a skier's fin clip the gate ball in the air followed by a fantastic yard sale. If in doubt the the skier should just be given the benefit. Let's worry about finding a better way to track the skier's balls with a good camera/video system that gives the judges a clear view of the real action.
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