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Posts posted by kcwoodhead

  1. Thanks y'all. I didn't think about using a real picture (I'm in finance...i.e. lacking all creativity and know-how about these types of things :blush: ). We had two fun pictures we've used that we may possibly be able to do something with. I also found something online after posting that could be a start.










  2. Thanks y'all. We are making them more as a fun/user-friendly pair of combos for several people (ranging from my tiny 12 yr old niece to adults). Possibly for some public lake consumption as well. No intention of taking these over the ramp. :-)
  3. We have an old pair of O'Brien jumpers (maybe ~ 74") that we'd like to cutoff. I'm looking for some instruction on general process (if there is one other than cut off the back, somehow seal, and drill new holes for the fins) and/or length and binding placement. I don't have any around to use as a guide so am hoping maybe someone has some or has made a pair at some point. Thanks!
  4. I just got a new (used) 2013 Quest and am on the hunt for bindings. I wanted the 2014 lyrics (black and pink) because I like the binding and happened to also really like the colors (shameless pink-loving girl here). I have started trying to actually get a pair (need aluminum frame) and am having a hard time. Apparently Radar is sold out and will just be moving on to their 2015 models. The problem is apparently they are only doing the feather frame which for the rear boot is not compatible with many other ski brands. Does anyone know is this is for sure the case? Also does anyone know if this is also the case for the vector binding, or just the women's lyric? I'm currently rocking HO animals circa 2001 on the new ski and am definitely looking forward to an upgrade.
  5. I've just started skiing after a 10 yr hiatus and am on my 65" HO CDX-1 that from the best of my recollection is about a 2001-2002 model. I'm interested in getting a new(er) ski before too long but am not sure what I should be looking for. Before my early retirement (ie entering the real world), I ran 22 occasionally and my PB was 2@28 (34 mph). These days I'm back at 26-32 mph trying to remember how to make this all work. FYI I'm female, 33 yo.


    I've had a few skis (D3 X7 and Goode Nano One) recommended to me and wanted to know if anyone else has any additional recommendations. I have seen a few 65" Radar Stradas available on ski it again recently and have no clue if that would be a good option or not - the price points (~$500) are appealing though. D3 in general was recommended to me as they tend to be more forgiving, but if I'm looking at the newer versions I'm not sure if that would be the quest or helix (I'm assuming quest, but don't know for sure).


    Whatever I get I'm also going to have to deal with bindings as my HO animals are on their last thread.



  6. Thanks everyone! I will definitely stick with E - honestly not thrilled there aren't more class Cs in our area - that is a change from 10+ years ago.


    I'm just hoping and praying I can ski my opening pass in slalom - first time I've ever been far less worried about jumping and tricking than slalom!

  7. I'm skiing in my first tournament (3 event) in 10 years this weekend. I've skied a bit in the last few weeks so have used the new (to me) timing systems but am curious to know if anything else has changed rules or procedures-wise that I should know about. I've skimmed the rule book and nothing major seems to have changed, but I don't want to miss the boat (no pun intended) on any changes in the last decade.


    The tourney is E/L - I don't have to declare a trick run, do I? Also are trick releases still available at the tournaments, or is most everyone bringing their own rope release (funny because rope releases pretty much weren't allowed when I was skiing and I hear that is all most people use now, but I've never used one and don't own one)?


    Thanks in advance - I'm glad to be back! (well....100% glad to be about 20% back :-))

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