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Everything posted by whitem71

  1. Just bought a new T Factor after years on a Leverage. Fingers crossed it feels tight enough because that’s why I loved the Leverage so much. On that note, I see that there are some sort of adjustment screws on the base plate (underneath). Anyone any idea of what they do and how to adjust them? Can you adjust the width etc? Thanks.
  2. His offside looks actually a little better on the MC than on the Goode
  3. Lucky enough to ski with Glenn Campbell last weekend - fantastic guy - and he was explaining why he's on the 68.5 G5 this year... he and Drew shaped it to both suit the larger frame (I.e. both of them) yet demand a responsive and fast turning ski. I think the traditional 67 was just a bit too small for him but the previous 68 was shaped a little large. Sick graphics too.
  4. Have had countless discussions about this with friends....surely blade closest to water is best?
  5. Just had a 67 Endo warranted by O'Brien for surface delamination (anyone else had similar?) and I've been offered a G5 (2014). Problem is, I'm not sure whether to go for a 66 or 67? I'm 5'9 and 155lbs, running into 32off@34. The Endo was nice but had a prev 66 sixam ss Any thoughts?
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