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Posts posted by Britpilot

  1. I've been a recreational slalom skier for 35 years and although not at anything like competition standard can ski pretty hard at 36mph. (Free skiing only , no course alas) Last year I got a 2014 Radar Vice to replace my trusty 1998 O'Brien TRC (Remember them?). Wow what a difference twenty years of ski development makes! After getting used to the Vice last year I have been really going for it this season.


    Early morning last weekend conditions on the lake were perfect, flat water and no other boats around (rare!). Cutting hard across the second wake and whack, smack into the water hard. Ouch that hurt, felt like a prizefighter had punched me in the left ribs very hard. Ski stayed on so I didn't go over the front and no other hurts other than left ribs. Had to go to the ER where three non misaligned rib fractures showed up on the x-rays. Bummer! Anybody else had rib fractures in falls and found out why?


    In 35 years I think I have hit the water from every direction and way possible and had a few strains and pulled muscles but never broke anything. I have always used a regular CGA O'Brien four buckle vest up to this year when I switched to a Radar vapor impact vest. The vapor is wonderfully comfortable but I wonder if it offers as much rib protection as a regular CGA vest? Anyway I have decided to upgrade to the Radar X-Vest just in case.


    Now I just have to recuperate for four weeks and miss out on peak summer skiing. Oh well Ces't la Vie.

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