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Posts posted by j-philGVSU

  1. Thanks, guys! I am going to be adding a few buoys to the slalom course this week. I have plenty of room to add a jump course. Here in Michigan, there is only one three-event tournament all summer, so I guess I will be going on a few road trips! Thanks!
  2. Unfortunately, my collegiate team lost our site this past year and we no longer have a place to jump. I, personally, am jumping just under 120', but only get to hit a ramp during tournaments. I ride my skis regularly, but I'm curious if there is anything else I can be working on (on or off the water) that will keep me from losing progress throughout the weeks between hitting the ramp. Any suggestions?
  3. I have only been tricking for two seasons now, but with my wakeboard background, I picked it up quickly. I have been standing up a consistent 1540 run largely due to my backflip. However, no matter how many times I practice and ride away, it is always a very sketchy landing. I always land very far back on the ski and smack my butt/back on the water before I can regain my balance. I have tried standing forward on the ski as I cut into the wake and it seems to help a little, but the landings are still hard. Any advice on how to soften the landings and ride away clean?
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