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Posts posted by DSP

  1. Amen @foxriverat.  How do you wipe your boat down?

    I love anything that disrupts Boatmate.  I won’t get another Nautique if our dealer keeps pushing that trailer co.

    Meanwhile the wife likes the Mastercraft wakes at slower speeds & longer line lengths anyway.  I love the MC trailers.  Maybe I just need to take the final plunge and get my own MC, dock, lift & MC trailer?  🤦


  2. Very thankful for TWBC. I worry Vince needs more good sponsors to make this work long term. TWBC works very hard because they love it. Standing around any tournament all day is exhausting. I can’t imagine working multi day events like Worlds when it’s so hot, humid and without a very clear path to making this profitable. Nothing but respect for the hard work, quality and commitment to improvement we’ve seen from TWBC.
  3. I was at Swiss two weeks ago with my hands already torn after a few days of skiing. I asked Benny Stadlebauer and learned exactly what @dave2ball said. Clean the oil off, gloves grip without sliding and tearing calluses. Especially in warm water.
  4. You have a lot of options. More if you drive well. Beer may or may not be a limiting factor depending on who you’re chatting up. Calls Fort, Bear Hollow, Pioneer, Goode Ski Lake perhaps, Still Water, SunTen. Happy to help you figure out what may work. It doesn’t seem to matter where we go in the world. Waterski folks are fantastic. Check out Utah tournaments in USAWatetski.org for names of people at different locations or send me a message
  5. I did it on our 98 Nautique at Sugarhouse Canvas in Midvale. An expensive pain and they put the wrong carpet in that stunk when it got wet. Don’t go there.

    But I have a solution. Ski more with your neighbor up the hill with his 2016 200 and wear out his carpet:) Just here to help.

  6. We feel like the luckiest skiers in the planet Chris. Driving out to SunTen listening to Spraymakers all summer showing up on the dock to see you and your family there making it happen, clarifying, coaching... Thank you! I trust there are a few lucky folks in Texas too, so thank you Trent.


    Ideas: Handle safety. Andy spoke to me about this and I’m happy to share what he showed me. Simple to show, not easy for me to explain. Hearing about these accidents is frightening.


    Seeing Brooke Baldwin ski over her rope at 6 ball at the Travers Grand Prix was also terrifying. More perspective on what’s going on when these things happen may help us avoid tragedy. I still don’t understand what she did & I watched it several times. Glad she walked away uninjured.


    Binding tech: Chris I know you know about Dynafit and super high tech backcountry snow ski bindings. MOB, Reflex, Radar, HO, Rubber bindings, effective but seemingly primitive in comparison. Until now? I ask because both of my sons have had hard waterski falls where bindings have failed. Working through those falls is tough. Both are big mountain snow ski chargers. Never a snow ski binding problem.


    Training tool / brining slalom back to the masses? A couple of Euro guys finally developed a truly portable big water slalom course experience that shoots paintballs from co2 cartridges mounted to the wind shield. The paintball splash simulates buoys. I forget what it’s called but it’s in BOS somewhere. It looks super fun to be out on a big lake on a calm day and just rip until cartridges are empty. An evaluation or better yet, an acquisition could be exciting for the sport.


    These guys seem to be on a pretty thin budget a long way away from perhaps their largest market but they must be engineering freaks to pull this off.


    It seems like pro shops should buy some and rent them out to folks traveling to big water.



  7. I’m answering your question while trying not to pay attention to the latest political debate. So thanks for the distraction. Talk to Deb at Broadside about driving there. She’s awesome and will get you and your drivers going in the right direction. Tim Gilbert and his wife and son are all fantastic over at Gilbert Lake. Zero off will keep you married. Horton recently reviewed a new gadget that helps drivers review their path. Look into it and have fun! It’s the greatest family sport in the world.
  8. I talked to the Maloons about this maybe 15 Or 20 years ago. They wanted to see a proto type.


    I talked to Andy Mapple about it in 2013 or 14. He equated free skiing to playing basketball in a parking lot without a basket and liked the idea. He mentioned a guy he knew in Texas with the kind of brain it would take to pull this off but I can’t remember who that was.


    There is at least one patent pending from 20 years ago on this subject when I looked into it.


    This needs to be integrated into a boat manufacturer smaller V drive line up.


    I had considered the same concept with deployable drones or laser pointers. This could bring slalom skiing back from other wake sports but my guess is most of us here are in courses on private lakes more than open public water.


    Super happy to see something finally show up and would love to see it reviewed, endorsed and marketed by a pro skier to the masses. (Regina, Manon, Whitney or Montovon?) These guys need to get out west and find the wallys out here who know what a slalom ski is, won’t be on a private lake any time soon and have the $ to throw down.

  9. Three years into skiing tournaments, our family loves the whole scene. We skied far too many years before getting into it. But now that we’re doing it, which tournaments are most fun for 17, 23 and 25 year olds? I’ve blown it a time or two by having my older kids come to tourneys where there are mainly M4 & M5 old wrinkled dudes. Then I’ve traveled to get the score I’ve wanted to find a ton of kids skiing well, goofing around and having a great time. It would be nice if the tournament guide was more clear on the number of rounds and skiers per division. Even if skier turnouts were posted from the previous year.
  10. You’re right @6balls. A white deck was different. We weren’t thinking about anything but grey deck to match the hull but in 2016 according to our dealer, it wasn’t an option. Looking back, white has been good because it doesn’t show the rope rub on the rear end like it likely would have in grey. So the carpet is grey. I’m glad to see all the interior color options now.


    I’ve seen a similar SN 200 Manon Costard periodically skis behind I think at the Boarding School. It may be sold by now.

  11. There it is in the wild. Yes the grey hull is easily scratched on the boat mate trailers. Back in 2016 we couldn’t do more interior tungsten grey but a little white has not shown water spots like solid darker colors seem to.
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