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Posts posted by Fast351

  1. My wife and I do a warm weather vacation every winter around February. Usually do the Caribbean due to easy access, close travel, and excellent diving. I would really like to do a combo ski resort/beach vacation this year. I'm an average ability open water skier and would like to get some coaching and maybe run my first pass at a ski school. My wife does ski but once or twice a year and has little interest in coaching so I would like to find a location that also offers a beach. Access to a local dive shop for a handful of dives is pretty much a must.


    Any such place?


  2. My rule of thumb (I didn't come up with it, but got it from someone I trust) is add two zeroes to get equivalent car miles. That's 550,000 miles. That engine is done. I will echo what others are saying and just drop in a long block.


  3. My method for my GT40 has worked through some VERY cold winters in Minnesota.


    1) Warm engine up, preferably by driving it around the lake, but otherwise back it down the ramp and let it idle until engine temp is 175 and oil pressure drops to 20 PSI at idle.

    2) Change oil while warm.

    3) Drain ALL plugs (2 block, 2 manifold, 1 water pump U)

    4) Remove and dump strainer

    5) Remove inlet hose from trans cooler and hook up 5 gallon bucket with hose attached to bottom

    6) Put plugs back in with fresh teflon tape for next year

    7) Put 4 gallons of the cheapest RV antifreeze you can find in 5 gallon bucket (FVP at Menards is $2.19/gal)

    8) Start and idle boat. When bucket is halfway empty dump in last gallon.

    9) Let engine suck all antifreeze out of bucket, and stop engine when bucket is empty. It's just coming out the exhaust at this point

    10) Reconnect raw water intake hose, put a splash of antifreeze in raw filter housing, and reinstall.


    The $11 in antifreeze is worth it for peace of mind. Needed? Maybe not. But if it displaces some water that might freeze and keeps a boat from needing an expensive repair, not to mention screwing up part of your next season, that's good enough for me. We regularly get -30 where I'm at.


  4. I finally think I wore my Camaro Blacktec out. I poked a small hole through it after about a year not being careful with fingernails. It's 4 years old now, and the sleeves near the elbows have stretch ripples in them now. It's from taking it off wet. I take off the torso first then pull the sleeves off but they stretch some and I think that does the surface in. I ski with it after ditching the full wetsuit when the water hits about 65. I ski with it on anytime the air temp is under 70 to keep the wind off my skin or the water is under 75. It probably has 200 sets on it (conservatively).


    The price they get for them now ($140 retail) they're certainly proud of them. My dry suit and full wet suit are O'Neill and have done very well. I think I'm going to try a Reactor 2mm top for about half the price of the Camaro. I'm hoping it's a little more durable.


    Don't get me wrong, the Camaro is a great top, but the durability isn't great.


  5. 97-09 TSC Nautique. 91-94 Prostar would be cheaper and a close second.


    I have an 01 Ski Nautique and my neighbor had a 94 Prostar. Both on a public lake but with plenty of glass if you get up early or weekday ski. I would take a pull behind either but the Nautique is a little nicer interior wise mostly because it's newer.


  6. @GSchmid agreed. Bought my 360 hour 01 SN for $16.5K. I could sell it for more than that today, and likely will not depreciate much below 10K in the next 10 years if I keep it in decent shape.


    I have yet to ski behind something I like better (although admittedly I'm an open water hacker, not a 39 off pro).


  7. Just to offset the negative vibe in here. Went to go skiing this morning. Yesterday I had to lower my boat lift because the lake level is down to historically low levels. The canopy is lower as a result. Getting in the boat I don't duck quite far enough and my hat and (not cheap) sunglasses go in the drink. I was aware enough and quick enough that I fished both out before they sank to the bottom.


  8. Sure looks like my 01 hull. Deck is definitely different but from the small pic the hull looks like mine.


    ETA: Is it weird I'm strangely attracted to that smoked windshield? Yeah it'd be a nightmare in practical use, but damn it looks sexy...


  9. @vtmecheng Absolutely, that combo works great! I have an O'Neill Epic 4/3 that I've had 7 years now. Use it for everything, including scuba, and probably ski 40-50 sets a year with it. Starting to get worn out now but that's a hell of a lifespan. My boots are a little on the large side (Radar Pulse, 11 is too tight, 12 is too loose) so I run some 2mm socks in them year round. I think I paid $20 for them. But the neoprene beanie is the icing on the cake. Without that your head gets cold and then nothing matters.


    I ski with this setup above 45 degree water temp. For those 3-4 sets below that per year I get out the drysuit, but I hate the mobility and the plastic baggy feel. Full length thick wetsuit is much better.


  10. I am amazed at all the planning that @Such_a_brett has put into this community. Obviously there is a demand in the arrid country of Utah. It makes me thankful to be able to live on a 190 acre public lake in Minnesota that I can ski pretty much every day on glass if I'm willing to get up at sunrise.


    But it is a really cool concept. I wish more people were planning communities like this, because I would definitely buy a condo in a warm weather climate with this kind of setup to use in the 6 months/year where it's cold here.


    I know in Minnesota the hardcore built lakes have been a mild success (maybe). TLE4, which is 10 minutes from my house, is a disaster. TLE3 in Center City is a really cool site, but maybe at 30-40% capacity. Not sure about TLE2 and TLE1, but when you're competing against 10,000 natural lakes it's easy to see why it's hard to compete. But in the vacuum of any available watersports water worth a damn? What a great concept.


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