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Posts posted by ecno

  1. @telko1 I have a wide foot too, hockey skates EE, which may not register with Southerners but they're wide for the length haha. I have a vapor and found the HO fixed rtp to be better, its fitted ish (the footbed has a contour) and once you're in you're in. I find alot of the other ones are just flat and might fit a regular foot or D width a bit better, which would make sense because that's what most people are so they probably just want to appeal to the biggest audience possible.
  2. I heard that the state has just approved a $ 300 million budget to put deer hand rails up around all bodies of water in the state including ski lakes, lakes, rivers, creeks, puddles, etc.


    The deer population has barely managed to survive through history thus far and officials are siting drownings while attempting to drink water as the prime culprit.


    More to come on this issue of paramount importance.

  3. Hey Guys,


    The title describes it all. I can't seem to get a good position no matter what I do, how many tips, sets, videos I watch.


    It's incredibly frustrating because I know what I'm doing wrong and I know what to do right but I just can't get it.


    Is there anything I should focus on on the water? And or is there anything I can do off the water to get me into a good stacked position?

  4. @dxs206 don't quit, I had trouble at the start too, I was in my late 20s and had skied behind an underpowered outboard my whole life with combos and I'd just drop one. I wanted to ski in the course so I got the right set up and got some lessons... Alot of lessons... Lake skiing habits die hard as I had learned.


    I run a releaseable front and an RTP now but was running an lace up front and RTP when I was learning. I find it way easier to get up with one foot out. If you're left foot forward allow the ski to kind of tilt a bit to the left, it will increase the pull against the boat and give you more lift, the opposite if you are RFF.


    Keep your leading knee in tight to your chest and keep your arms straight, you're not trying to pull yourself up you're trying to rise up with the ski.


    The other thing is when you're learning to get up if you have a wakeboard tower or a high pylon for wakeboarding, attach the rope to that at the start and have it ahorter, it's much easier than having it at the normal pylon height. If you don't, then all you can do is shorten the rope and that alone will make it way easier until you get the muscle memory down.


    I'm sure if you took a lesson you'd get it really quick, once you learn the fundamentals it's really not that hard. You just can't get in your own head.


    I started getting really into slalom later in life than most as well and frustration is the name of the game, but you have to just stay positive and not let it overtake you and believe me it's worth it!



    Good luck

  5. I want to switch to a reflex, I think, but I'd be coming from an HO xmax with direct connect. I bought a vapor because I tested one out last year and loved it so I can't put my old bindings on it to help the transition. I haven't skied yet this year because... Well... It's Canada


    My question is, if I went for the reflex now, is it a huge difference that I would be pissed about? In which case I should get a vapor and then later get a reflex. I just don't want to buy the vapor just to replace it or want to replace it part way through the season as that would be a waste.



  6. Hey Everyone!


    This might seem to be the same old thread "what ski should I get and why" with my post being followed up by an onslaught of "check the forum for this exact question that has been asked 30 times already, the latest being 2 minutes ago."


    But I assure you my question isn't quite so simplistic, so here it goes.


    My current set up is a 2015 67" v-type with an xmax front and artp rear. I'm 5'11" and 183lbs. This year (since mid June) I have gone from being 50/50 getting up on one ski each try to consistently running 30mph and now getting 4-5 buoys at 32mph. I have been skiing since I was 6 or 7 and I'm now 30 but have never taken it seriously and always just lake skied, which I cannot properly convey my regret for not course skiing earlier, the things I missed out on!


    I started my foray into the course on a 69" triumph, which was way too big (that's what she said), I'm athletic and I think my progression has been decent, but old lake skiing habits die hard (I basically started from zero) and I'm getting through on some passes on strength and not technique. One of my biggest problems is being too far back on the ski. I ski 2-3 sets/week, more if I'm lucky.


    This year my goal is to get clean at 32 and try and start 34. Next year I want to be working on 36. I've had some great coaching and that has helped me most of all (I will be continuing that next year), even though I'm sure my instructor wants to smash his head on the dash after some of my passes.


    I bail, a lot... especially when I'm moving up speeds, I anticipate a lot of full send scorpions in the next year. So I've really been wanting to get a hardshell binding for the front and stick with a RTP.


    Which would you recommend? Given my HO customer service experience (very negative) I'd like to stay away but have heard so many good things about them and I do like the direct connect, will that be a problem with a radar ski? Most guys and girls where I ski are on reflex hardshells.


    Binding question out of the way, now ski. My little heart is set on a vapor lithium or probuild, I know I'm not there yet but part of it is the ever nagging desire for a new ski, you all understand! Is there another stable but fast ski that you all would recommend? Yes senate, I know but won't I be out of that if I get to 36? D3?


    So to sum it up: 1. I'm getting a hardshell, which one? 2. Which ski? Or just stick with the v-type even though I yearn for more stability?


    So there it is, thank you to all who stuck with this incredibly lengthy rambling post until the end!







  7. Hey,


    My girlfriend has finally (after years of my guilt trips) said she'd get into skiing with me.


    She goes for a rip at the cottage every once in a while but now wants to take some lessons and maybe try and go through a course at some point.


    Question is, what ski would suit her best? She's 5'2", about 120lbs ish.


    I want to get her something that she could develop on and not have to replace in a year or two.


    I was thinking a women's CX 65", a Radar lyric 65", possibly a TRA 63", or maybe a TX.


    Any input is appreciated...

  8. Hey Horton,


    Thanks for the insight! I meant the radar vapor lithium haha.


    The CX is what I originally wanted but wanted to dabble in the Syndicate, I thought since I have a Triumph I'd go all the way with my other ski.


    Our current boat is only a 90hp but I ski behind buddy's boats often and am planning to get something better this year. Does that change the suggestion?


    Thanks again I appreciate the help!

  9. Hey... this is my first post so go easy... I'm looking for some advice... HO CX or syndicate, or Radar Lithium Theory? And 67 or 68?


    I hover between 188 and 195lbs, I don't really ski course but would like to get into it more. The boat I primarily use doesn't hit 34mph with a skier, usually around 32mph. I currently have an HO Triumph and want to get something more advanced that I can really get good on. I've been slalom skiing for 17years, wouldn't call myself amazing but decent. I ski between 15 and 30times/year.


    Also, does the "superlite" CX make a big difference?




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