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Posts posted by freeski41

  1. Warranting a seasonal waterski product for one year is not standing behind your product. IMHO. There are many people who only ski 5 - 8 times a year. Due to circumstances such as geographic location, or simply not getting the opportunity to ski much because of work, boat availability, weekend skiers etc. With that said, a new product, purchased in the winter at a boat show, and gets a handful of uses, goes out of warranty by the next boat show, then fails apart the next year? That should not be acceptable in this industry.


    In my case, I don't think Radar warranty is doing me any favors. I paid lots of money for a brand new binding system that lasted a ridiculously short amount of time. Kudos to those who had their Radar bindings last multiple seasons. Mine didn't. Heck, even the warranty dept. told me the bindings I bought were substandard build quality and the new ones were much better... Great!! Did they tell me that when they took my $500+ bucks?


    I had an O'brien Sixam ski, I skied the crap out of that ski, sold it to a guy and and it broke in half on him the first time he skied. The ski was out of warranty. I called O'brien and they replaced the ski without question, dropped shipped the guy a new ski. I was actually quite shocked, I didn't expect that. But in hind site, they stood behind their product regardless of warranty time tables.


    Like I said earlier, I have also recently purchased the 2016 Radar slalom package, but going forward, this product/expense experience will effect my future purchases for sure.





  2. @storm34 , I bought the same Radar Vapor boots in 2012, broke my leg in 2014 (Not ski related). I had about 10 ski rides on the 2012 ski setup with Radar bindings. I skied once in 2015, barely, as the broken ankle was still not 100%. In 2016, I bought an all new Radar Vapor Lithium setup, with new Vapor bindings. The new 2016 ski has not been working for me, so I tried to go back to my 2012 setup, Radar Vapor bindings and HO S2 ski. While trying to install the boots, one of the bindings ripped out. I couldn't believe how poor quality the bindings were? Warranty is one year, some people live in the north and that could mean limited ski rides per year. I called and spoke to Trevor in warranty and I was told I had to buy new boots for $250 bucks, to replace my rarely used 2012 bindings. I think I paid about $550+ for those bindings that I used 10 times? I'm not sure I can afford to keep buying Radar products?






  3. Skied with a new friend today who was skiing on an old HO ski. He was struggling to get 3@15', 30mph and I told him not to beat himself too much because the ski he was skiing on was holding him back. I offered him up my 66" Vapor with Radar bindings, he happened to be right foot forward and same weight as me. He immediately ran two back to back full 15' off passes 30 mph....:) Needless to say he loved my Vapor ;)
  4. Got a 66" for my 160lbs... , set the ski up to stock fin with the bindings ahead on notch. The ski is a rocket ship, super fast. I experienced an off side turn like never before......I feel my onside will be fine after a few more passes.... I have the radar bindings with radar gloves, the boca setup makes skiing a complete dream....no worries about glove velcro issues or bindings coming lose. The boca addition is epic! After my third time on the ski, I am thoroughly loving it!
  5. @ChrisRossi, Thanks for the response. I picked up a 66" ski and I spent a considerable amount of time last night setting up the fin and bindings to the exacting stock specifications, to within a thousandths ;) I do believe that some of my problem is not having the proper balance/stance over the ski, like I said, I tend to ride the rear somewhat.


    Last night I also studied many slalom technique videos on youtube to get myself better focused on proper technique (ie Terry Winter and Regina slo-mo videos). I think since I don't ski the course, and just free ski, my turns may not be as quick and tight as they would need to be for say running 35' off in the course. I know I need to work on quicker and tighter turns if I want to get back into skiing the course (Which I hope to do at some point given the opportunity)? But hey, not everyone is geeked about bouy counts, I get geeked about the speed and acceleration across the wakes running shortline and just freeskiing with friends. My PB in the course is 3 @ 35, 34mph, and I have only been in the course 20+ times. My first few times of running the course, I hit a bouy and sprained my ankle really bad, so I like freeskiing because I can stay healthy and try to maximize the already short ski seasons we have in Michigan ;)


    I can't wait until I can get out and try the adjustments I've made, and btw, I am loving the newer bindings over the 2012 Radar bindings I had. The new lace up design is Awesome! Love the new gloves too! No more fighting with the wrist straps coming undone. Those little changes have made a boat load of difference ;)


  6. I may get back to chasing balls, but my current set of driving friends struggle enough while driving the narrow private river I ski on now, let alone pulling me into 32' and 35' off in a course..... So I compensate by shorting the rope and just having fun with minimal injuries ;) If I could get a better driver in the future, I would like to try the course again. Then I'm sure I would have to address many things like binding and fin settings and all those bad habits you do while free skiing ;)
  7. I just got back from the proshop with a 66"....So I will mount up my bindings and set the fin settings to stock and see how it goes? The ski is noticeably smaller so with my usual forward mounted binding placement I'm thinking it will be okay.


    FYI, I could turn the 67" but it just seemed like it took too much effort and I just couldn't get the tip of the ski to bite deep into the water. My fin settings on the 67" were stock settings, including the 9 degree wing, which seemed high to me? None the less, I set the wing at 9 degrees.

  8. I'll have to get the measurements again, I set them a few weeks ago. I am running with the new Radar bindings.


    I came off a HO S2 65.5" (I believe it was 65.5") and being somewhat of a tail rider anyway, I usually set my bindings a little forward. I really like the way the S2 carved good angle. It definitely took some fiddling with the S2 binding placement to get it to turn the way I wanted it to.


    I like to free ski at short line lengths, so counting buoys is not my goal. I just like deep hard carving turns and feeling massive acceleration ;)


    @Deanoski, I think you're right. According to the weight charts I should not be on a 67" ski. I understand the slightly bigger ski may provide less fatigue, but I think a 66" would be better for me.


    I'm headed to pro shop to swap it out for a 66"....?


  9. Hello All,


    I finally got a chance to try out my new 67" 2016 Radar last night. I was not able to turn the ski very well at all. I am only 158lbs and I'm wondering if the recommendation that I go with a 67" ski was wrong? My bindings are one notch from being all the way forward.

    Measurement from back of the front binding was 30.25"ish...Fin settings were all stock. I could jump on my front foot and I just couldn't get the front to bite enough water to carve any angle.


    I was also having an odd feeling that I was falling over on my off side?


    The ski felt fast across the wake, but turning it was not happening...


    I'm wondering if I shouldn't go get a 66" version? I've never bought into the myth that I could turn a larger ski.


    Any ideas?




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