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Posts posted by jkill_88

  1. I searched on Apple and it was there! Really excited. My advice would be to make sure you do a realm of topics to keep both beginners, advanced, and recreational people interested! Listening to episode 1 now! I’ll listen to a super long podcast if it’s a good topic and convo that warrants a lengthy discussion!
  2. So... I bought a 2017 63” Lyric with lyric binding and rtp set-up. (Too good of a deal to pass up. Hate it when that happens) Can someone point me in the right direction on how to set her up? I’m finding plenty of info for the senate and men’s skis, but not sure what to follow for the 63
  3. Thanks everyone! It sounds like I just need to start with throwing my ski in the rotation no matter what to get the work in like they do and not feel bad about it.


    My brother in law texted me and said ‘thanks for throwing them under the bus’ (jokingly) then started providing me tips and encouragement and links to some other threads on here. So that’s encouraging!

  4. I guess I should say, I could ski the course I just feel bad taking time away from their course time since it is so limited because of the water conditions not cooperating.


    I had seen the lyric recommendations and don’t know that much to know how big of a difference it would make for me. I’ll look into the lyric more.

  5. Hello Ballers - I’ve been skiing for about 10 years (and am thoroughly addicted) and all the male skiers in my family course ski later in the year (when the river water is good enough to drop the portable course in), and I miss out on a lot of skiing due to a lower skill level. (I get to do a lot of dock learning lol) I’be been skiing on a Connelly SP 64” (I’m 5’ approx 105-110lb, skiing around 29-30 mph) and I’ve never been really comfortable on it - it feels washy for lack of a better term. Any tips/advise or a thread anyone can point me towards to help me going into this season?
  6. So I am a 30yo RFF female recreational trick skier. Late last season I started trying my hand (foot? Lol) at toe turns. I ride a quantum with a D3 leverage boot XS. I get my left foot in the handle no problem, and can stand and ride no problem, but when I start working on my turns, I get a massive cramp in the arch of my right foot. Any tips?

    Edited to add: 16mph

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