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Posts posted by BindingSideUp

  1. We thought the site was 100% ready to go on Sunday. We were wrong. The developers have done a lot of work since and we think the bugs have been corrected.


    We would very much appreciate it if some of the ballofspray readers would again visit the site, create accounts, and post ads. If you have any issues please email them to admin@bindingsideup.com


    The offer to giving away a Wakeye to 1 of the first 50 users to register and post an ad still stands.


    @Than_Bogan the answer to your question is a bit ironic at this time. We feel we have better technology. The search functionality is intuitive, the look and feel of the site is modern and everything is encrypted. It may take some time to find the rest of the bugs in the site but we feel like we have a very competitive product. As for Ski-It-Again we have nothing but admiration.


    @aupatking please try again


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