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Posts posted by floridagm

  1. @mike_mapple yep, thats the lake and yep plenty of space for paddle boarding even while a boat is in the course... Except for the skinny end so everyone pays attention for sure! On a side note, the same guy did that second repair to my Senate Pro Build that I showed you the other week. It came out GREAT and I think the extra weight of the repair helps me keep the tip down... :)


    @leonl If we go with the facts presented I would have to say @skierjp made an assumption. The issue is with one homeowner who said she is a skier. Do you know of a skier who would advocate pulling a course because because two other home owners on the lake use it? Not sure where 4 or 5 hours of people running up and down the course came from. Did you also notice how the assumption of a ski school or pay for pull was because sometimes the other one/two home owners would ski during the week? Working from home has it's advantages...


    Here's the rest of the story. The course was put in by Kristi Overton when she was a student at nearby UCF. I heard that was late 80's early 90's. Suffice it to say, it's been there a while. As @scuppers concern, the two who use it the most are lakefront property tax payers. They get to do that right?


    Is this horse dead yet?

  2. @clydesdale @rgilmore Stir on, there's no quieting and inquiring mind!


    Yes, there was a website. Tom's former girlfriend was a web designer and created a site, it was up for a couple months but has been down for over a year. No pulls were ever given, no money was ever exchanged, no website or site promotion was ever done.


    Here's the rest of the story. We were trying to figure out a way to do learn to ski days and not have all of us put everything we owned at risk, especially Tom's house. That site was step one in that quest. Pretty quickly we decided the liability couldn't be known or protected against and that structure was abandoned. We changed plans to do the learn to ski days at Lake Ivanhoe in downtown Orlando. It's a public lake with one ramp that is owned by the city. We filled out the paperwork to close the lake for the day by renting the ramp and the little park it's in from the city of Orlando. It's actually very easy to do and was only like a couple of hundred dollars for the day. I don't post here often but if one of you Sherlock Holmes types goes back through my posts you'll see I commented on a post about one of our group that has skied at least once a month for like the last 10 or 11 years and has skied all 7 of the ancient seas. My comment was that she wanted to ski before we had a meeting about skiing. That meeting was the one where we filled out the paperwork and tried to come up with the structure to do a learn to ski day. The city approved our paperwork but the insurance got be a giant rabbit hole and we eventually gave up.


    Tom did do a learn to ski day for a few of his neighbor's kids at his house. No money was exchanged and that website was not used to do it. I pulled a couple of kids at Lake Ivanhoe that were working on a Boyscout waterski merit badges, one of the moms gave me like $25 and I'm just hoping none of the patriots here turn me into the IRS.


    We are where we have always been, a great group of ski friends that ski on Sunday mornings between April and October from 9am-11:30ish.

  3. To the OP.


    Hi Cindy, my name is Gary and I'm the guy that says hi waves to you from the dock. I'm also the guy that was driving two or three weeks ago when after your paddle board lap you paddled over to the middle course and sat down on your paddle board while we were waiting at the end of the course. We simply waited patiently until your tantrum was over and went on about our set and then waved and said hello the next week when you paddleboarded by.


    It's fantastic that you like to ski and that you found BOS, a wealth of knowledge here when you ask for opinions on a fact based issue. Your insinuation here is not one of those. We have been skiing as a group of friends at Tom's for several years now. It's not a pay to ski situation, as a matter of fact, 8 or so of us friends that may or may not come on any given weekend (usually 4 or 5), more than half of us have our own boats and our own sites that we ski at when our Sunday group doesn't get together. This isn't a business that requires insurance or zoning or governmental approval or even your approval, we are a group of friends that enjoys skiing. We also go out to dinner as a group. We go to concerts as a group. We go to ski tournements to participate or cheer one of ski group friends on. We go to each others houses for house parties, we know each others kids and significant others. When Tom was in the hospital recently after his ski crash, one of us went to the hospital everyday to be with him and resupply him with Diet Coke.


    It's fantastic that you want to ski, come out and join us. You would be up next in the rotation if you just pull your boat out of the boathouse, if you don't have a driver, wave us down and I'll bet Tom would be happy to give you a pull. Chris, your neighbor a few doors down would probably give you a pull also and that would make three homeowners that use the course. Any slalom skier would say the only thing better than 3 homeowners using the course is 4 homeowners using the course. And yes, having other ski friends to ski with makes the experience that much better. I'm betting that if you hang around here on BOS you'll see other friend groups here that ski together.


    Your enthusiasm for the sport sounds like it matches ours, your solution of removing the course because we use it on Sunday mornings from 9 till about 11:30 sounds a little like having your feet amputated so you don't get athletes foot.


    So yes, this topic should never have been posted here, it could be addressed by you picking up the phone and calling Tom, or stopping by the dock on your paddleboard lap, or mentioning the issue at an HOA meeting, but you chose here so here we are.


    I personally feel like the luckiest guy in the world that this group of amazing people has allowed me to be part of them. They are the nicest, most inclusive, easiest to get along with group of friends with a skiing problem that anyone could hope to meet, maybe if you said hi you'd feel the same way too.


    See you tomorrow!!

  4. @aupatking the rest of the story of that whaler is that the trailer came off the tow vehicle. The trailer hit the inside guard rail and the boat hopped off the trailer and over the guardrail to end up on the inside break down lane like it sits. It was on 95 in southern Georgia last weekend. Amazing the boat stopped there and didn’t end up in the oncoming fast lane of 95 north!!
  5. Here in orlando we called that white plastic ring a bull ring. A veteran local inboard mobile mechanic named Bull always left one after servicing, it was used to prop the motor box cover open to let it air out. It works great, just don’t travel with the box propped up on it, it will cut the carpet and trim at the bottom of the box as the box bounces up and down traveling down the road.
  6. (Coming off a 69 Senate Pro Build that was working for me but had, shall we say, an unfortunate incident. Expanding the search, I am demoing a 69 Omni at the moment and struggling with it. Is the ski capable of running 30 buoys more than I can? Of course it is. Am I possibly accustomed to a “faster” ski that lets me get away with stuff I shouldn’t be able to? Possibly. Solution? A demo Omega arrived as I’m typing this (props to HO) and hopefully I’ll have my answer by Monday.)




    If there was ever a poster child for a wider ski, it’s me. I’m 240lbs, ski at 29mph, have successfully made a few passes at 15 off. Got a set on the 68 Omega this morning and immediately knew it was the better choice. It felt just as forgiving of my mistakes, yet in my seconds of competency, acted like a high level ski. It was much faster across the course and made my crappy offside turn like it knew what I was supposed to be doing. It never hunted for an edge yet turned like a knife with just a little more correct body positioning. Spend the money. Buy once, cry once.

  7. How timely!


    Coming off a 69 Senate Pro Build that was working for me but had, shall we say, an unfortunate incident. Expanding the search, I am demoing a 69 Omni at the moment and struggling with it. Is the ski capable of running 30 buoys more than I can? Of course it is. Am I possibly accustomed to a “faster” ski that lets me get away with stuff I shouldn’t be able to? Possibly. Solution? A demo Omega arrived as I’m typing this (props to HO) and hopefully I’ll have my answer by Monday.

  8. @BraceMaker . Lake Ivanhoe. Lake Ivanhoe is in the shadow of downtown Orlando. One ramp that can be closed and no other access or resident docks. Thousands of residents within 1 mile. A city park along the edge of the lake for spectators and food trucks. A surveyed course along that shoreline that just needs buoys put back in, I thinks it a 4 ball.
  9. Slade Cole introduced me to Hudl to highlight my technical shortcomings. He is a master at using it! Side by side comparisons, adding a timer to illustrate just how behind I am, and frame by frame advance so that he can mention where I need to improve using the visually painful 30 frames every second.


    The basic version is free and he can share my videos with me or upload them for worldwide ridicule.

  10. One phase of the I4 ultimate project in orlando had them put the floating yellow containment barriers under the bridge that connects the lakes. On our first pass under the bridge after the barriers were removed, I caught a rope that was attached to a 3 foot, 25 pound steel spike that was used to anchor the barrier. It came up, hit the prop and bottom of the boat and shut the engine down quick fast and in a hurry! I had to unravel enough rope to get the spike on to the platform to take a little tension off the rope so I could cut and unravel. Took probably 45 minutes to clear the prop and an almost 1k insurance claim to contractor to get the boat back to usable. When I filed the claim they asked how I knew it was their spike, I sent them a picture of it laying in my back yard and asked them if they wanted it back! They didn’t. They paid the claim within two weeks.
  11. @mmosley899 agreed! It would be great if the manufacturers could agree to some standards. Imagine a world where all bindings fit all skis!


    Additionally, no doubt someone has a workaround for installing inserts that probably works.


    Your tape solution has worked great so I won’t be drilling holes in a ski that is more expensive than the first car owned.


    Radar stands behind their product better than most and if I were to have an issue the last thing I want to hear is “we told you not to drill into your ski.”

  12. Before adding inserts, call the tech guys for your ski manufacturer.


    I moved my MOB double release plate to a 2019 senate probuild. The existing insert pattern seemed to allow a lot of flex in the plate if the tape came loose so I called Radar to ask about installing additional inserts. The person that answered the phone said go ahead. I then got to the guys that build the skis and was told in no uncertain terms that I would be putting inserts into the foam and they would not hold. The factory inserts are installed in material in the ski designed to hold them.

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