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Posts posted by Sanderwouters

  1. I have used a small rubber piece from a windsurfing boom protector to wrap around my release, works quite well. Long wetsuit also helps. I just mostly deal with it. My sister also gets annoyed when the release hits her shin and has gotten a scar from it, so be careful if you don't want scars on your shin.
  2. Hi all,


    Skied behind a 196 nautique with PP almost all my life. Now changing to a Mastercraft 210 VRS, it has no cruise control yet. My question is, what brand and which model has the advantage if i'm almost only tricking? Preference goes out to the basic PP version cause that is the cheapest and i know how to use it.


    Would love to hear your input,


    Thanks in advance,



  3. @klindy Being used to backflips on trampoline i was throwing my weight too much back. Also had to edge more progressive and calm. I used to go outside the spray, turn the ski around and go full power to the wake. Now i try to keep more rythm going out and into the wakes and instead of full power, i focus on a progressive edge!
  4. Hi,



    I got a couple of questions regarding tricking, got into it around a year ago. Can do some basic tricks like back, wake to wake, 360, 180, side slides etc. Would it be worth it investing in a trick rope, is there a difference between trick specific and a normal rope? At the moment i'm on a HO Freemax, but im looking into upgrading to a reflex hardshell. Would the difference be worth it?


    Thanks in advance and kind regards,



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